Tuesday, November 18, 2008

離開你 走近你


本來我對這歌名感到疑惑,為什麼 “離開你 走近你“ 呢?好像很矛盾,


好喜歡這首歌: 離開你 走近你

作詞:鄧禹平 作曲:黃光隆 演唱:王夢麟







Saturday, October 25, 2008


難道多妻妾的家庭,都注定悲劇收場? 在電視劇「女人何苦為難女人」中的齊非,最終步上她母親的後塵,成為唐可凡「外面的女人」.

個性執強的齊非,曾數次強調自己不會步上母親後塵,不會甘心當個沒名份的女人.但畢盡是宿命躲不了,齊非陰差陽錯的成了唐可凡「外面的女人」.多可悲,好無奈,為了「愛」,齊非不介意自己和孩子沒名份,在唐家沒地位 –––只要自己永遠是活在唐可凡心中那個「唯一的女人」.

真的嗎?女人的愛就這麼簡單?女人的一生就滿足於那種恓牲小我,完成大你的「 愛」嗎?多偉大的女人;好尊貴的愛.為什麼就有那麼幸運的男人,同時被幾個女人深愛着?

夾在幾個女人中, 不會很齊? 也很累吧?! 至少唐可凡是那樣覺的...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bird's Nest

Sometimes last month, while I was away from home, and while Beijing was busy hosting her historical Olympic games; the time when almost everyone's eyes were focusing at the Beijing's latest icon - the Bird's Nest, there was a bird's nest built in my garden.  

Surprisingly, of all the trees in the garden, it was built on the stunted 4 feet high mango tree next to the dining room.  It's height was my concern, I hope those stray cats that come from time to time would not catch it.  

Just weeks before that, I was in the dilemma whether to remove the mango trees as I has been doubt about it's health, and was thinking maybe I should replace it with another healthy tree.  The mango tree had been there for about 5 years, but has never been taller then 4 feet, never been flowering, needless to say bearing fruit.

The nest was made of mainly dried straws and leaves.  Other then the altitude issue, It was fitted perfectly on the tree.  Although I was delighted to see the pretty bird's nest, I regret that I was not around to witness the construction of it.  I was told it was built as a JV project between 2 birds.  I could see a bird sitting in the nest every morning and late evening.  During the day, there were other birds come visiting to the adjacent trees from time to time.  

Though the nest is just 5 feet away from my window, I had never "dare" to get close to check in the nest to find out how many egg were there.  Somehow somewhere I had the idea there should be two eggs.

Days passed, life was again on the track.  The nest is as usual on the tree.  However lately, the mother bird was not seen in the morning.  One evening, I walked quietly towards the nest in order to find out if there still any egg in the nest.  I was worry the stray cats might have eaten the mother bird and her eggs.  To my surprise, I saw a young bird, still half bald, curled still and quiet in the nest.  There was just one baby bird.  I have never seen a young bird in the nest.  It was a huge baby bird.

I assumed the mother bird was out in the morning to find foods for the young one.  That day onwards, I could see over the window during the day, the baby bird raised up its head and looking around.

Again, time flies,  now both the mother bird and the young bird were not seen anymore.  One fine day, I walked out to check into the nest, as expected, there is no more bird in the nest.  The baby bird has grown up and left the nest.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


一大早被小妹打來的電話吵醒。無事沒電到,這次原來是想叫我替她為大女兒買輛Kick Scooter。她說自己頂著個大肚子,行動不方便。不巧我卻想把電腦帶去維修,還頭疼得要吐,而且我也不懂那裡有買,所以可以說是愛莫能助。





Friday, September 12, 2008




也有很多事, 印證我們志趣相投,



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

MYlife? ourLIVES?

It is really interesting to learn that things could be interpreted differently from different perspective. For instance: getting married, having husband, bearing children and raising family.

It's a norm and totally understandable for someone to pursue the above, in fact, seems that most people are living life just to execute those matters, and define or confine there lives to that four matters.

To the contrary, my lady boss has her interesting view point about that:

a. to get married to a husband is to allow someone to take over yourlife,
b. to bear child in your womb is like allowing an alien life occupying your stomach, and torturing you with increasing weight.
c. to raise children is like surrendering your life for them.
d. there is NO turning back for being a mother: you can resign from any jobs you hate, but you could never resign from being a mother.

How interesting, while many are out there struggling lives (or giving up lives) just to raise their family, there is actually OPTION for living life.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008






就像程波在短文 「人生的祕訣」 中所寫:
“人生的祕訣只有六個字 ~~~ 不要怕,不要悔“




Monday, August 25, 2008


一年已過了 三份之二,

因為一直以來 感覺總是排迴在情感世界的邊沿,
對自己的定位 也始終很模糊.

拘速的外表下 有顆叛逆 渴求自由的心.

無盡的寬容 ,

每一分 每一秒 都是甜密溫馨.

与你的相遇 是幸福的開始.




那都是為了要供奉祖先 而切開的.



Sunday, August 24, 2008


盡量使用所有的基本感覺器官 觀查与思索 ,

只是 与一般初生嬰兒不同,
我得是 隨遇而安的那一個.




Wednesday, August 20, 2008


都是馬不停蹄的往南下 ‘流動‘,

就遇見了一位守護天使 .
但他的靈魂 永遠住在我心裡.


旦願我門 能有再相會的一天.


雖然昨晚是心情有點興奮 而遲遲難以入睡,
並且今早也是特別早起 為最後一天而緊張.

但今天一整天 心情卻很疏暢,
走在繁忙的東京街道 卻一點都不感覺緊張,
甚致走起路來 還帶有風.

讓那21天的孤單日子 自己慢慢熬

之前 從不覺得3個星期是一回事.

但這一次 算是最慢長的3個星期,



Wednesday, August 13, 2008

a day in Shirakawa

It was not planned earlier. Though I did thought of visiting Shirakawa before, but I have never done much 'homework' nor seriously planned the trip before coming to Takayama. I realized I was too ignorance or taking things too easy when I talked to the Chinese couple (from Penang, Malaysia). They told me they have done all the necessary research before they come to Japan. (Most probably because I did not have the luxury of time as they had, and I did not want to stress myself with a fix and close itinerary. Well, they are two of them, and I am just myself, and my itinerary, if a detailed one, would be pages and pages, as mine would be a 3 weeks itinerary).

Maybe it was destined, mean for me to visit Shirakawa on the 13th August - in view of my indecisive attitude. I was not very determine of visiting Shirakawa, as my priority has always be Takayama, and even Takayama I couldn't effort to see much in just few days, what more going to Shirakawa?

Occasionally, I did thought of visiting Shirakawa, but I was thinking maybe going there on the 14th August, after check-in at Alfa-1. Somehow, shifting room really put me off. I could not imagine to leave my baggage in an unattended locker room for almost a day, and travel about 100 kilometer away from it.

Now I see the reasons God put me at 2 different hotels at Takayama. I was very upset when I found out that I need to change hotel because all rooms in Washington Plaza Hotel was fully booked from 13th August onwards (OBON Festival in Japan) that I had to get another room at Alfa-1 Hotel for the 13th and 14th nights, which no more room on 15th August onwards too (or I would stay for 15th August too).

I checked-out from Washington Hotel Plaza 5 minutes before 10am. I had no specific plan of where to go or what to do while waiting for 3pm check-in at Alfa-1. All this while I was thinking of just walking around Takayama. Of course I need to get my big baggage locked at the coin locker - it's a burden to walk around with. When I walked out from the locker room, suddenly I thought of getting some information on bus trip to Shirakawa, maybe I could have a day trip to Shirakawa tomorrow, or who knows- today, while waiting here.

I thougth it was as simple as taking any bus to any place nearby - just hop in the bus and drop at in the intended destination, and hop in again for the return trip. May never mention anything about bus reservation seat too. The officer at Takayama Tourist Information Center was very friendly, he handed me a copy of the bus schedule and a map of Shirakawa-go. After a glance at the bus schedule, I headed for the bus ticketing counter to purchase a return ticket. Is is 4,300 YEN just for 2 x 50 minutes ride! After obtaining tickets, I kept the bus schedule in my beg. 

The bus arrived few minutes before 10.50am. The Chinese couple from Penang said the bus is the type of none reservation seat. I listened and took it for granted. I should have read in detail the bus schedule given to me - I was careless and though all buses are of 'none reservation' type, as in Malaysia. Our bus set off sharp at 10.50am. It was a smooth ride, Japan has really good roads and the bus ride was like gliding in the air. There are so many tunnels along the way of this 50 minutes ride - there are about 13 tunnels and the longest is about 11 kilometer. I don't mean to overly exaggerate, but I would conclude the 50 minutes ride as 'the experience of in and out a series of tunnels' - as the bus ride under tunnels was about 35 minutes of the total 50 minutes riding time on road.

I was quite shocked to find out that Shirakawa is actually a very tiny village nestles on a small plain next to Shokawa River. There were so many tourist walking around and taking pictures at almost every direction. I was one of them. As usual, I snapped at anything attracted me, besides countless pictures on the Ogi-machi gassho style villege houses. 

I had to end my photography session at about 1.30pm when my camera battery started to get weak. In view that there was not much I could do at Shirakawa besides taking pictures, I decided to return to Takayama taking the same bus as the Chinese couple intended to (before which I was thinking of taking the last bus back to Takayama).

It was shocking when I first saw the schedule displayed at the bus parking lot - at about 1.45pm, that the 3.20pm express bus is 'all reservation seats'. Upon inquiry, I was told to do make reservation at the adjacent Information Center. Nevertheless, too late to find out, that all seats were already fully booked (except for the 6pm one - meaning I didn't even realized that I should make reservation for it too). There is one bus at 4.20 pm and another one at 5.20pm respectively but they are the 'none reservation' type, but I have become skeptical of taking these kind of buses now (in view that I don't know which are the buses, where to wait, where to queue and if I could get a seat - so many people, and it's on a first come first serve basis).

So I have no other choice but to play safe, I booked for the last bas (6pm one) which is the only one left and it's the last bus of the day.

Friday, August 8, 2008

in search of an adjuster

I must get it, sooner or later, so make it today. Since May has given me a spare key, I shall be able to get in and out of the house conveniently.

After 3 days hibernating in the room, I got myself ready for the hunt, about an hour before noon. Though the weather outside wasn't pleasant for walking around, I was feeling great, full of hope and looking forward to a fruitful and relaxing outing around the neighborhood.

My first target was the electrical shop opposites the access junction to May's house. After brief inquiries, I wasn't too disappointed to know it was unavailable there though, maybe I thought the day was still young, and I have plenty other electrical shops to visit later.

May said moving up after left turn from the access junction, there are many electrical shops along the main road. So I walked along the road, full of hope.

After some hundreds of meters, I was delighted when I saw signs of an electrical shop by the roadside from the junction at the right. I could feel my pace was lighter and faster. This shop appeared much more well equipped compared to the 1st one. The attendance was really friendly and supportive, I could see he wanted to help, he even pulled out the products catalog for me to check. Though we were talking the chicken and duck language, but he finally told me that they didn't have it.

I was very much disappointed this time, not just that I was walking further and further away from the neighborhood, but my mind was starting to doubt if I would ever find another bigger shop as the 2nd one within the neighborhood. I was skeptical and worry of the worst case scenario ~ that I had to get it at Gifu City, which was not in my plan.

Hesitated but no other choice than to proceed walking and looking, I walked as if I was dragging some kilos heavy feet. Guess my desperate mind has overruled my logical thinking, I walked into any shops or stores of possible association with electrical appliances i.e. audio shops and even JASCO !? Only God knows what I was thinking or how desperate I was.

For I have been avoiding sun exposure all this while, it was really an extreme tough job to walk under the hot sun, with outside temperature of about 34 degree. Though I was not hoping high, but my feet continued walking in desperate pace (guess my mind has already given up thinking and my feet has taken over the job).

Rows and rows of shop houses has passed, Gifu City was within visible distance ~ I was approaching towards Gifu City! Tired and exhausted mentally and physically, I stopped by the road side where I saw 2 other passengers were waiting for bus. It didn't take too long that the JR Station bus arrived to our rescue.

My hope revived when I arrived at Gifu City. It was almost 3.45pm, without much ado, I headed straight to the Tourist Information Counter at JR Station. I was hoping high (and confident) Yamada Denki is located somewhere nearby. However, to my great disappointment, I was told that the only nearby denki store is the Eiden Denki at Orchard Park, about 15 minutes walking distance, and it is just a one floor denki store. After obtained a road map and worked out on the direction, I proceeded my search to Eiden Denki.

15 minutes walk was never too far for someone in desperate need. I was delighted to see a huge hall of electrical appliances, much similar to the setting as in a Yamada Denki. Hoping high and feeling encouraged, I checked through all the possible displays, I was delighted to see some 'adjusters' for use at oversea traveling, but again, despaired to know the truth~ it is unavailable at Eiden Denki! My heart dropped and I was starting to get panic.

The only store left for me now would be Yamada Denki. But the lady at the Tourist Information Counter said it is too far to walk to. I would need to take a cab ~ the most expensive mean of public transport in Japan, and a mode of transport I has been trying to avoid. I remember I passed by some cabs on my way to Eiden Denki earlier (there were some cabs waiting in front of a hospital building on my way to Orchid Park).

Without thinking much, I headed towards the cabs and got myself on a cab to Yamada Denki. It was an expensive ride (a return trip cost 3,160¥). For once before I bound on the cab, I had doubt whether I should proceed to Gifu Yamada Denki ~ for if it is unavailable there, I would have wasted the money). Nevertheless, I guessed it is still better then trying to get it in Nagoya, so I hopped in the cab, I was getting impatient to end the long search.

We arrived at Gifu Yamada Denki within minutes. Though there were still some worry on uncertainties playing in my mind, I ignored the negative thinking and was feeling hopeful again. Hesitated to make the cab driver waited long, I ran fast up the escalator to the 2nd floor, heading for sections where the adjuster could be on displayed.

I think God must be making fun of me. It was unavailable at the Gifu Yamada Denki. I almost disbelieved, nearly collapse on the floor and got burst out in tears. How frustrating! The time was almost 5pm! I have been walking since noon, without rest nor peace of mind. I could not bear any longer this kind of mental and physical torture, and it was not fun at all having repeating hopes and disappointment. I should end this search as soon, today, or I would not be able to sleep well tonight (or maybe I could as I have had excessive physical exercise ).

I arrived at Nagoya Station at about 5.30pm ~ busiest time in any major train stations in Japan. People were walking fast in all direction. The lady at the Tourist Information Counter gave me a map to refer for the route to the nearest Yamada Denki. Holding the map in my hand, I headed to the subway station and bounded on Higashiyama Subway Line. I had to get to Sakae Station first, in order to get transfer on Meijo Subway Line to Yaba-Cho Station.

Yamada Denki is about 10 minutes walk from Yaba-Cho Station, towards the west side. At first I was skeptical if I could really find the denki store, but when I saw the roofs of some kind of temple and shrine, I was much relieved, it was the Shomanji Temple and Wakamiya Hachiman Shrine, as told by the lady at the Tourist Information Counter, for my easy recognition.

This Yamada Denki is not as big as the one I visited on last Sunday morning. This scared me as I was worry that maybe this store too does not have the adjuster I was looking for. Nevertheless, I rushed up to the second floor, and started searching all the possible sections. After brief inquires, to my great surprised, I found it at the corner near the staircase. The price tag shows 780¥, it was same as the one told by Seiji-san, which I should have bought it on last Sunday.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

guardian angels from the East II

After a long hustle, I eventually got myself in a nice room, with an attached private bathroom! I checked in to Toyoko Inn in Oimachi Tokyo at about 11pm. It is a cozy hotel just about 5 minutes from Oimachi Station, with complementary breakfast and free internet access provided in the room.

Kind Mr. Ken suggested we have a brief 'supper' after my check-in. Guess it is not nice to declined such a friendly invitation, and in view that I intend to purchase a public phone card and make a call to May in Gifu and Seiji at Nagoya, I agreed with him and it was not long that we were sitting in the MacD nearby the hotel. Back in hometown, MacD is never my favorite, but here, I was delighted to discover that there are many choices of burgers and drinks offered. I took a set of shrimp burger with side salad and ice tea~ the burger and salad gravy were unexpectedly nice and I like them so much (which thereafter has been my favorite meal for days in Nagoya).

What a caring Mr. Ken, upon seated in MacD, he asked me to call up my parents at hometown to inform them of my safe arrival at Tokyo ~ he even offered his international call card and his hand phone. Mr. Ken later told me he is working as a sales manager with the Toshiba company in Tokyo, and has been traveling abroad often on behalf of the company. Though he is now living and working in Tokyo, he was born in Kyushu at the South and has his retired parents living there now. Mr. Ken said he learned his English from overseas since he was young ~ as he was brought up abroad at many foreign countries especially at the America continent, due to his father's occupation with the foreign ministry before.

After showing me around Oimachi Station and ways to purchase a train ticket at the ticketing machine, I greeted appreciation and good night to Mr. Ken and headed for hotel for my good rest.

guardian angels from the East I

How embarrassed, I heard my name being announced just few seconds before I entered the boarding gate (Gate 5) :p, I should have just take lunch at the airport.

A mixture of slight nervous and excitement overwhelmed me. After weeks' struggle, I had eventually set foot 'entering the uncertainties'. Slightly disappointed as I approached the air bridge, I could see from the boarding chamber - it was not the glamorous B747 - it was the B777 -200.

I had requested a 'nice' seat at the check-in counter earlier. It is a window seat, namely 11K, second row from front. As I approached my seat, I was quite surprised to see a graceful looking gentlemen sitting next to it. Nevertheless, I was hesitated to bother him to stand up just for me to sit on my seat ~ as there were plenty of empty seats around us, so I took the seat a row behind, at the opposite side.

Not long before I got my seatbelt fastened, some kind of inner urge persuaded me to greet that graceful looking gentlemen ~ to find out if I could join him on the way to Tokyo later (guess I was desperate to get assistance upon landing at Narita Airport). I was hoping he would go to Tokyo, and taking the Narita Express as I have planned to.

He introduced himself as Naeki, but to my disappointment, he is not taking the Narita Expess, instead he is taking the Skyliner. I think my complexion must have shown some great frustration that Mr. Naeki eventually said he would like to help to arrange something out. How sweet of him, knowing him must have been a blessing from God. So we chatted for a while, across the aisle.... 

Soft spoken Mr. Naeki speaks good English, he said he was on his way backed from a 5 days outstation meeting at Kuala Lumpur. While I was enjoying talking to him, my attention was suddenly drown out of the window ~ the view outside was superb, it was the legendary Mt. Kinabalu ~ with the most classic elevation (longitudinal profile) . As I was trying hard to look out at the window besides him, Mr. Naeki kindly offered me the vacant seat next to him. So I was eventually sitting on my designated seat.

Five hours is not too long to spend with a nice chat mate, our flight arrived at Narita Airport as scheduled~ 7.20pm. As many other Japanese executives, Mr. Naeki put on his jacket before leaving the aircraft cabin. It was a creamy white jacket ~ he looked so much like an angel, a very tall guardian angel sent by God to guide me out from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station that late evening.

Like a little girl afraid of losing way home, I followed mr. guardian angle all the way from Terminal 2 Satellite Building to Main Building on the shutter train. I was quite surprise that clearance at the immigration checking counter didn't take too long or I would feel uncomfortable to cause Mr. Naeki waiting for me. After collecting baggage and brief clearance at the custom check point, we then proceeded for trains ticketing counter and the designated platform at the basement. 

Our train to Tokyo Station arrived at 8.10pm sharp (we missed the 7.45pm's Narita Express, so we took the next train (common train) ~ which according to Mr. Naeki, would have earlier arrival then the next (last) Narita Express ~ as this train takes about 1 hour 25 minutes to arrive at Tokyo Station, while the last Narita Express arrives at Tokyo Station at 9.45pm (we could reach Tokyo Station about 10 minutes earlier then the arrival of the last Narita Express, ideally sufficient time for me to catch the last Shinkansen to Nagoya).

While waiting for the train to come, I asked Mr. Naeki if I could use his hand phone to contact an internet friend at Tokyo because I had requested his assistance (via internet) in getting me a hotel room somewhere nearby the train station for that evening (I was advised to stay a night at Tokyo upon arrival as it is said too 'risky' for a new comer to catch the last trains within minutes at each stations ~ apart from the possibility of flight delay). In view that I could make time to catch the Shinkansen to Nagoya straight, I would need to inform my internet friend not to wait for me at Tokyo Station. Without much ado, Mr. Naeki kindly connected me to this internet friend, whom later introduced his name as Mr. Ken Iki.

Mr. Naeki was quite shocked when I told him I have never met Mr. Ken before. He was shaking his head and almost disbelieve of my 'kamikaze' spirit~ and commented me 'joAnn the Challenger'. 

In the train on the way to Tokyo Station, however, Mr. Ken called up and asked about my whereabout ~ I told him I was on my way to Tokyo Station. At the same time, I noticed Mr. Naeki often reading and sending short messages. I wasn't sure whom he was contacting, but he did mention something like 'he is looking for a hotel room now' ~ whom I assumed he was referring to Mr. Ken, so I was feeling much relieve because Mr. Naeki too later had advised me to stay over night in Tokyo (for it would not be safe for a single lady to walk around searching for hotel room in Nagoya City late midnight). From time to time, Mr. Naeki shown me list of hotel names and room rates via his 3G hand phone. I thought he got those information from Mr. Ken.

Tokyo Station is really a huge train station, I could have lost my way if I had not closely following Mr. Naeki. Thank God with his guidance, I have finally arrived at Tokyo Station safe and sound. Guess it is just typical of a metropolis, though it is almost 10pm, there are still so many people rushing around at the station. In Tokyo Station, I saw Mr. Naeki busy calling up hotels as he was trying to help me to get a room with an attached bathroom. How sweet of him, he insisted lady should have a private bathroom, and should not be walking around alone the city late night.

After some calling and inquires to several hotels, Mr. Naeki told me he has found a nice hotel room with an attached bathroom nearby a train station. I was relieved that I did not have to trouble Mr. Ken. However, while we were waiting for the train to the hotel, Mr. Ken called up again, informing us that he was at the Shinkansen side of Tokyo Station and looking for me. I told him I was not taking Shinkansen anymore and was at the platform waiting for the train to my hotel. Nevertheless, he insisted to come to meet me. I realized of my negligence and that I might be too careless ~ when I was asked by Mr. Naeki how is Mr. Ken looks like ~ which I had no idea of. I just know he is 41 year old, and that was all I told Mr. Naeki.

I feel so sorry to see Mr. Ken as he was sweating on his forehead and face, guessed he was running from the Shinkansen side to our platform. He told me he has found a hotel somewhere near Shinagawa ~ a place most convenient for me to catch a Shinkansen to Nagoya the next day. Without much ado, I told Mr. Naeki I would better take that hotel room (besides I was hesitate to decline Mr. Ken's kindness). After some appreciations greeting, I said bye bye to my guardian angle, and follow Mr. Ken to take another train to Shinagawa.

let it be

After 3 days journey and many hustle bustle of changing countless platforms and trains, eventually I have arrived at Gifu, safe and sound. I met May an hour earlier then we have expected ~ to my surprise. May is still the sweet and energetic girl as always, just that she seems slightly thiner and slimmer ~ I think she looks fine, maybe her busy life for years here really 'squeezed' her down.

I was trying to keep my visit as quiet as possible, not just that I was not confident if I could make it to come, but also my preference for an 'open travel itinerary' (apart from avoiding busy schedule of entertainment or social visit), I told May not to mention of my visit to her da-jie...

The time was about 8.30pm when we left Gifu Station via Gifu University bus. The ride took about 45 minutes before we arrived at Gifu University to get May's Nissan Moco (as it was not the 'direct' one, it was the 'long way' bus - sort of going 'anti clock wise before terminated at Gifu University). On our way home, May suggested we get some dinner stuffs at the popular supermarket next to da-jie's appartment ~ assuming da-jie shall be sleeping early (usual for a mother)...

Shopping in supermarket is always my hobby, while we were happily talking and shopping, a young lady with a shopping basket approached us ~ she looks so familiar :D ... of course she looks familiar, she is our beloved da-jie !! :D :D :D

How cynical, the first person (May is exceptional) on the first evening upon my arrival at Gifu... I met da-jie !!!

Friday, April 11, 2008


心的主人, 我的將軍, 你在那裡?