Tuesday, August 5, 2008

guardian angels from the East I

How embarrassed, I heard my name being announced just few seconds before I entered the boarding gate (Gate 5) :p, I should have just take lunch at the airport.

A mixture of slight nervous and excitement overwhelmed me. After weeks' struggle, I had eventually set foot 'entering the uncertainties'. Slightly disappointed as I approached the air bridge, I could see from the boarding chamber - it was not the glamorous B747 - it was the B777 -200.

I had requested a 'nice' seat at the check-in counter earlier. It is a window seat, namely 11K, second row from front. As I approached my seat, I was quite surprised to see a graceful looking gentlemen sitting next to it. Nevertheless, I was hesitated to bother him to stand up just for me to sit on my seat ~ as there were plenty of empty seats around us, so I took the seat a row behind, at the opposite side.

Not long before I got my seatbelt fastened, some kind of inner urge persuaded me to greet that graceful looking gentlemen ~ to find out if I could join him on the way to Tokyo later (guess I was desperate to get assistance upon landing at Narita Airport). I was hoping he would go to Tokyo, and taking the Narita Express as I have planned to.

He introduced himself as Naeki, but to my disappointment, he is not taking the Narita Expess, instead he is taking the Skyliner. I think my complexion must have shown some great frustration that Mr. Naeki eventually said he would like to help to arrange something out. How sweet of him, knowing him must have been a blessing from God. So we chatted for a while, across the aisle.... 

Soft spoken Mr. Naeki speaks good English, he said he was on his way backed from a 5 days outstation meeting at Kuala Lumpur. While I was enjoying talking to him, my attention was suddenly drown out of the window ~ the view outside was superb, it was the legendary Mt. Kinabalu ~ with the most classic elevation (longitudinal profile) . As I was trying hard to look out at the window besides him, Mr. Naeki kindly offered me the vacant seat next to him. So I was eventually sitting on my designated seat.

Five hours is not too long to spend with a nice chat mate, our flight arrived at Narita Airport as scheduled~ 7.20pm. As many other Japanese executives, Mr. Naeki put on his jacket before leaving the aircraft cabin. It was a creamy white jacket ~ he looked so much like an angel, a very tall guardian angel sent by God to guide me out from Narita Airport to Tokyo Station that late evening.

Like a little girl afraid of losing way home, I followed mr. guardian angle all the way from Terminal 2 Satellite Building to Main Building on the shutter train. I was quite surprise that clearance at the immigration checking counter didn't take too long or I would feel uncomfortable to cause Mr. Naeki waiting for me. After collecting baggage and brief clearance at the custom check point, we then proceeded for trains ticketing counter and the designated platform at the basement. 

Our train to Tokyo Station arrived at 8.10pm sharp (we missed the 7.45pm's Narita Express, so we took the next train (common train) ~ which according to Mr. Naeki, would have earlier arrival then the next (last) Narita Express ~ as this train takes about 1 hour 25 minutes to arrive at Tokyo Station, while the last Narita Express arrives at Tokyo Station at 9.45pm (we could reach Tokyo Station about 10 minutes earlier then the arrival of the last Narita Express, ideally sufficient time for me to catch the last Shinkansen to Nagoya).

While waiting for the train to come, I asked Mr. Naeki if I could use his hand phone to contact an internet friend at Tokyo because I had requested his assistance (via internet) in getting me a hotel room somewhere nearby the train station for that evening (I was advised to stay a night at Tokyo upon arrival as it is said too 'risky' for a new comer to catch the last trains within minutes at each stations ~ apart from the possibility of flight delay). In view that I could make time to catch the Shinkansen to Nagoya straight, I would need to inform my internet friend not to wait for me at Tokyo Station. Without much ado, Mr. Naeki kindly connected me to this internet friend, whom later introduced his name as Mr. Ken Iki.

Mr. Naeki was quite shocked when I told him I have never met Mr. Ken before. He was shaking his head and almost disbelieve of my 'kamikaze' spirit~ and commented me 'joAnn the Challenger'. 

In the train on the way to Tokyo Station, however, Mr. Ken called up and asked about my whereabout ~ I told him I was on my way to Tokyo Station. At the same time, I noticed Mr. Naeki often reading and sending short messages. I wasn't sure whom he was contacting, but he did mention something like 'he is looking for a hotel room now' ~ whom I assumed he was referring to Mr. Ken, so I was feeling much relieve because Mr. Naeki too later had advised me to stay over night in Tokyo (for it would not be safe for a single lady to walk around searching for hotel room in Nagoya City late midnight). From time to time, Mr. Naeki shown me list of hotel names and room rates via his 3G hand phone. I thought he got those information from Mr. Ken.

Tokyo Station is really a huge train station, I could have lost my way if I had not closely following Mr. Naeki. Thank God with his guidance, I have finally arrived at Tokyo Station safe and sound. Guess it is just typical of a metropolis, though it is almost 10pm, there are still so many people rushing around at the station. In Tokyo Station, I saw Mr. Naeki busy calling up hotels as he was trying to help me to get a room with an attached bathroom. How sweet of him, he insisted lady should have a private bathroom, and should not be walking around alone the city late night.

After some calling and inquires to several hotels, Mr. Naeki told me he has found a nice hotel room with an attached bathroom nearby a train station. I was relieved that I did not have to trouble Mr. Ken. However, while we were waiting for the train to the hotel, Mr. Ken called up again, informing us that he was at the Shinkansen side of Tokyo Station and looking for me. I told him I was not taking Shinkansen anymore and was at the platform waiting for the train to my hotel. Nevertheless, he insisted to come to meet me. I realized of my negligence and that I might be too careless ~ when I was asked by Mr. Naeki how is Mr. Ken looks like ~ which I had no idea of. I just know he is 41 year old, and that was all I told Mr. Naeki.

I feel so sorry to see Mr. Ken as he was sweating on his forehead and face, guessed he was running from the Shinkansen side to our platform. He told me he has found a hotel somewhere near Shinagawa ~ a place most convenient for me to catch a Shinkansen to Nagoya the next day. Without much ado, I told Mr. Naeki I would better take that hotel room (besides I was hesitate to decline Mr. Ken's kindness). After some appreciations greeting, I said bye bye to my guardian angle, and follow Mr. Ken to take another train to Shinagawa.

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