Tuesday, August 5, 2008

let it be

After 3 days journey and many hustle bustle of changing countless platforms and trains, eventually I have arrived at Gifu, safe and sound. I met May an hour earlier then we have expected ~ to my surprise. May is still the sweet and energetic girl as always, just that she seems slightly thiner and slimmer ~ I think she looks fine, maybe her busy life for years here really 'squeezed' her down.

I was trying to keep my visit as quiet as possible, not just that I was not confident if I could make it to come, but also my preference for an 'open travel itinerary' (apart from avoiding busy schedule of entertainment or social visit), I told May not to mention of my visit to her da-jie...

The time was about 8.30pm when we left Gifu Station via Gifu University bus. The ride took about 45 minutes before we arrived at Gifu University to get May's Nissan Moco (as it was not the 'direct' one, it was the 'long way' bus - sort of going 'anti clock wise before terminated at Gifu University). On our way home, May suggested we get some dinner stuffs at the popular supermarket next to da-jie's appartment ~ assuming da-jie shall be sleeping early (usual for a mother)...

Shopping in supermarket is always my hobby, while we were happily talking and shopping, a young lady with a shopping basket approached us ~ she looks so familiar :D ... of course she looks familiar, she is our beloved da-jie !! :D :D :D

How cynical, the first person (May is exceptional) on the first evening upon my arrival at Gifu... I met da-jie !!!

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