Friday, August 8, 2008

in search of an adjuster

I must get it, sooner or later, so make it today. Since May has given me a spare key, I shall be able to get in and out of the house conveniently.

After 3 days hibernating in the room, I got myself ready for the hunt, about an hour before noon. Though the weather outside wasn't pleasant for walking around, I was feeling great, full of hope and looking forward to a fruitful and relaxing outing around the neighborhood.

My first target was the electrical shop opposites the access junction to May's house. After brief inquiries, I wasn't too disappointed to know it was unavailable there though, maybe I thought the day was still young, and I have plenty other electrical shops to visit later.

May said moving up after left turn from the access junction, there are many electrical shops along the main road. So I walked along the road, full of hope.

After some hundreds of meters, I was delighted when I saw signs of an electrical shop by the roadside from the junction at the right. I could feel my pace was lighter and faster. This shop appeared much more well equipped compared to the 1st one. The attendance was really friendly and supportive, I could see he wanted to help, he even pulled out the products catalog for me to check. Though we were talking the chicken and duck language, but he finally told me that they didn't have it.

I was very much disappointed this time, not just that I was walking further and further away from the neighborhood, but my mind was starting to doubt if I would ever find another bigger shop as the 2nd one within the neighborhood. I was skeptical and worry of the worst case scenario ~ that I had to get it at Gifu City, which was not in my plan.

Hesitated but no other choice than to proceed walking and looking, I walked as if I was dragging some kilos heavy feet. Guess my desperate mind has overruled my logical thinking, I walked into any shops or stores of possible association with electrical appliances i.e. audio shops and even JASCO !? Only God knows what I was thinking or how desperate I was.

For I have been avoiding sun exposure all this while, it was really an extreme tough job to walk under the hot sun, with outside temperature of about 34 degree. Though I was not hoping high, but my feet continued walking in desperate pace (guess my mind has already given up thinking and my feet has taken over the job).

Rows and rows of shop houses has passed, Gifu City was within visible distance ~ I was approaching towards Gifu City! Tired and exhausted mentally and physically, I stopped by the road side where I saw 2 other passengers were waiting for bus. It didn't take too long that the JR Station bus arrived to our rescue.

My hope revived when I arrived at Gifu City. It was almost 3.45pm, without much ado, I headed straight to the Tourist Information Counter at JR Station. I was hoping high (and confident) Yamada Denki is located somewhere nearby. However, to my great disappointment, I was told that the only nearby denki store is the Eiden Denki at Orchard Park, about 15 minutes walking distance, and it is just a one floor denki store. After obtained a road map and worked out on the direction, I proceeded my search to Eiden Denki.

15 minutes walk was never too far for someone in desperate need. I was delighted to see a huge hall of electrical appliances, much similar to the setting as in a Yamada Denki. Hoping high and feeling encouraged, I checked through all the possible displays, I was delighted to see some 'adjusters' for use at oversea traveling, but again, despaired to know the truth~ it is unavailable at Eiden Denki! My heart dropped and I was starting to get panic.

The only store left for me now would be Yamada Denki. But the lady at the Tourist Information Counter said it is too far to walk to. I would need to take a cab ~ the most expensive mean of public transport in Japan, and a mode of transport I has been trying to avoid. I remember I passed by some cabs on my way to Eiden Denki earlier (there were some cabs waiting in front of a hospital building on my way to Orchid Park).

Without thinking much, I headed towards the cabs and got myself on a cab to Yamada Denki. It was an expensive ride (a return trip cost 3,160¥). For once before I bound on the cab, I had doubt whether I should proceed to Gifu Yamada Denki ~ for if it is unavailable there, I would have wasted the money). Nevertheless, I guessed it is still better then trying to get it in Nagoya, so I hopped in the cab, I was getting impatient to end the long search.

We arrived at Gifu Yamada Denki within minutes. Though there were still some worry on uncertainties playing in my mind, I ignored the negative thinking and was feeling hopeful again. Hesitated to make the cab driver waited long, I ran fast up the escalator to the 2nd floor, heading for sections where the adjuster could be on displayed.

I think God must be making fun of me. It was unavailable at the Gifu Yamada Denki. I almost disbelieved, nearly collapse on the floor and got burst out in tears. How frustrating! The time was almost 5pm! I have been walking since noon, without rest nor peace of mind. I could not bear any longer this kind of mental and physical torture, and it was not fun at all having repeating hopes and disappointment. I should end this search as soon, today, or I would not be able to sleep well tonight (or maybe I could as I have had excessive physical exercise ).

I arrived at Nagoya Station at about 5.30pm ~ busiest time in any major train stations in Japan. People were walking fast in all direction. The lady at the Tourist Information Counter gave me a map to refer for the route to the nearest Yamada Denki. Holding the map in my hand, I headed to the subway station and bounded on Higashiyama Subway Line. I had to get to Sakae Station first, in order to get transfer on Meijo Subway Line to Yaba-Cho Station.

Yamada Denki is about 10 minutes walk from Yaba-Cho Station, towards the west side. At first I was skeptical if I could really find the denki store, but when I saw the roofs of some kind of temple and shrine, I was much relieved, it was the Shomanji Temple and Wakamiya Hachiman Shrine, as told by the lady at the Tourist Information Counter, for my easy recognition.

This Yamada Denki is not as big as the one I visited on last Sunday morning. This scared me as I was worry that maybe this store too does not have the adjuster I was looking for. Nevertheless, I rushed up to the second floor, and started searching all the possible sections. After brief inquires, to my great surprised, I found it at the corner near the staircase. The price tag shows 780¥, it was same as the one told by Seiji-san, which I should have bought it on last Sunday.

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