Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I could not afford to get sick

These few weeks I really am too occupied with many never ending assignments and portfolios... to the extend I didn't even realize today is a public holiday!!! How sad! My ignorance costs me the unnecessary scold from Mr. Sanjeh.

Consecutively 3 days and 3 nights stay up at computer labs has really caused so much damage to me. I woke up on Saturday morning feeling so dizzy !! I couldn't even stand up or sit up still, But I forced myself to freshen up, walking like a drunken zombie to the wash room. As soon as taken my liquid breakfast, I tried very hard to focus in front of the computer in order to complete the long overdue Building Science 1 assignments...

But my head was spinning, so heavy that I couldn't even lift it up, I saw the room and everything around me spinning, feeling extremely uneasy and wanted to just lay down on the bed (physiologically that's what I desperately need), and suddenly I felt I wanted to vomit, and without much ado I did vomit out all my liquid breakfast! After the 2nd time vomit I felt slightly relief that I could force myself drown in BScience.

The whole day I wasn't feeling well, I could feel the dizziness all the time, even though I was sitting most of the time. I didn't take any medicine for I know "it" was something I could not afford (good rest and deep sleep) I striven the day as usual, ignored the dizziness that was trying to bug me from time to time...and the day passed.

Sunday morning was totally different. I felt good, much normal then the day before! That's amazing. I was feeling so sick the day before, and I didn't take any medicine since then, yet I am feeling normal again the next day! Where has the sickness gone...? Guess "it" was frightened away by my desperation.  I could not afford to get sick, I am not allowed to get sick, I am guilty of taking rest or sleep.

Having been built as a human, lack of sleep has somehow jeopardize me.  On Wednesday 30 November 2011 after BCon2 exam,  on my way back to the hostel, I absent minded threw the 'finished' corrector into litter bin, I forgotten that the writing corrector is attached with it's reusable casing, and only found out I still need the casing after backed room when I tried to replace the new one for tomorrow's exam... I rushed down to the litter bin and dug it out from the rubbish bin in front of public !!!

Friday, November 11, 2011





好久没有快乐的感觉,好想念轻松开怀的时光,好怀念过去逍遥自在的日子,好想念朋友们,好想念家人, 好想念周末看电影的感觉,好想念跟朋友喝下午茶的感觉,好想念看星星的夜晚,好想念看海的日子,好想念迎着风骑脚车的感觉,好想念家,我亲爱的书,小花,小草,树木,小鸟们,多芬,你们都好吗?对不起,不得已把你们留下,我有千千万万个舍不得。

妈说的对, 消耗这么多精力和时间,最后过的日子也不过如此。别再折磨自己了,人生短暂,生命有限,回家吧...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


而下星期三就是2nd interim assessment了,
但Ms V 却说我改的太过火了,
但Ms V却说已经很乱了...




人家安藤 忠雄是无师自通的,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011





Monday, October 3, 2011







情非得已, 自我流放。


作者:徐正鹏 文章来源:本站 点击数: 更新时间:2006-6-25 16:36:46
生命是一口井,人的能量就是里面的井水,我们常说:生命枯竭了,指的就是这口井里的水没有了。当年的维特根斯坦在写出了那部水朽的《逻辑哲学论》以后,其生命中的能量已降到水位线以下,他的智慧已无法像以往那样喷涌,在这个时候,最明智的也是唯一的选择就是积蓄,于是他毅然出走。粗看起来,他似乎远离了哲学,然而正是这种远离使他的生命之水有时间慢慢地聚拢起来,让他的思绪重新活跃非凡,终于产生了第二次飞跃。这种了 不是妥协。“妥协“是我们语言里面丑陋的字眼,它往往带有无可奈何的味道。

Friday, September 30, 2011

yesterday, today, tomorrow

"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows, also Digg submissions. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul, or that will make Digg front page. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic and earn you many Diggs. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery, because we can track it anyhow—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to."
-Jim Jarmush-

Sunday, September 25, 2011




我留的offline messages也从不回应,







Friday, September 16, 2011

so wrong

another bad encounter...

as with other members, I thought the linear scheme is the most appropriate, clearest, obvious and correct interpretation of the poem "a walk"...

every tutorial session with our tutor seem did not much help to our scheme. Our effort went in vain. How could a scheme be so "right" and "interesting" to one, yet is criticized as "not accurately reflecting the scenario..." What and where went wrong?

Scheme 1: Rise of Apollo (Linear Interpretation)
I was amazed at how sensitive and empathetic was Dr. Suchi when she heard the poem and clearly related it to our vague scheme:

1. It is not necessary to impost a function to the scheme, let it remains as a hypothetical scheme. (we did so to justify a "linear configuration of a 'one way' traffic, and the sudden stop at both ends, A 'Jetty' serves the purpose literary and functionally)
2. It is much more appropriate if the "ending part" of the scheme portrays a very different atmosphere to the observer. The design at the opposite ends should not be identical. (I thought to do it such way because 'he' is yet to achieve what he is heading for, and he is still far from his goal)
3. The middle part of the scheme should be continued and amplified on its openings as the space progress forward (apparently Dr. Suchi takes "framed voids " within the bigger frames as 'opportunities', instead of the "gradually smaller frames" at the ending part)
4. The ending part of the scheme should provide the greatest positive feel (as it is ended with "...what we feel is the wind in our faces".
5. Or, the scheme should end at the middle part! (because he is yet to achieve what is ahead, the "goal" is stil vague, intangible, not within his reach etc)

Moral of the story:
role of a tutor is really important, if you get the right tutor, you will learn tremendous lesson.
UNLESS you are lucky to have "critical minded group members".

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sound of the Wind

Inspired by "A Walk" by Rainer Maria Rilke

My eyes already touch the sunny hill.
going far ahead of the road I have begun.
So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp;
it has its inner light, even from a distance ~

and changes us, even if we do not reach it,
into something else, which, hardly sensing it,
we already are; a guesture waves us on
answering our own wave...
but what we feel is the wind in our faces.

Translated by Robert Bly

Linear interpretation: an event, to experience a purpose (vision) driven walk~

1. linear movement: in the move, a journey in progress,
2. forward direction: started from a point at the opposite end, towards another direction,
3. space-time progression: emotionally responding towards and interacting with the lateral "vision".
4. continuity, predictability, expectation, onward, positive and assurance.

Spatial characteristic:
Design to capitalised on natural site features with dramatic and powerful scenary.
1. open or semi enclosed, perforated planes
2. subject and object relationship, visually related/connected but physically detached
3. time, and event which has taken action but has not yet arrive at its finale: the end is not in sight.
It is a linear space, a visual driven typology.
Experience is focused on the "vision", which is regarded as something magical and powerful,
that he is overwhelmed. The "vision" is also responding to him and guiding him onward.

the object is the "vision", which is the main stimulation, it is meant to drive away his cares and worries, to take him out of himself.

In pursuant of a "vision", he need more continuity and predictability in his surrounding, but he also need enough "mystery" and "complexity" to keep him interest in looking around them.
On one hand this is exciting because it represents progress and a new phase in life. On the other hand it has constant flux, unpredictability and uncertainty.

Therefore, design emphasized the "main visual" axis, not to be overshadowed by the surrounding.
The sea offers s a stage of everchanging dynamic scene, the sound of waves, sea breeze, smell of sea water, reflective surface in respond to sunlight and sky changes, complementing the "journey"...

or ...

Circular interpretation: an event, to experience a purpose (vision) driven walk~

1. circular movement: in the move, a journey in progress,
2. upward direction: started from a point at a lower level, upwards to higher elevation,
3. space-time progression: emotionally responding towards and interacting with the vertical "vision".
4. continuity, predictability, expectation, onward, positive and assurance.

Spatial characteristic:
It is a centric space, a visual driven typology.
Experience is focused on the "vision", which is regarded as something magical and powerful,
that he is overwhelmed. The "vision" is also responding to him and guiding him onward.
the "vision" appears as a "blackhole" in the centre. It is flinged by curving verticle drop of massive waterfal, to a very deep void, too deep towards the center of the earth that it represents a "blackhole".

The "blackhole" is the "void" that is pending. The poet is working towards what he dreams of, however in view that the "vision" remains as something yet to be achieved, which has very strong influence, it is regarded as having strong magnetic field as a "blackhole".
The radial arrangement of the vertical fins supporting the stepping slabs emplified the centric force of the blackhole, besides providing indication of "openess" or opportunities towards the outer spaces. The highest point of the steping slab gives the most dramatic view towards the "blackhole", it provides the highest "enmeshed experience" to viewers.
Waterfal gives sound, water vapor, wetness and cooling effect.

Comment by Dr. Suchi:

the Jetty "Rise of Appolo" (Linear interpretation)

The Poet is "welcomed" and overwhelmed by the "vision" ahead. In order to express that, the tectonic planes should be arranged to show sense of progression such as:
1. increasing level of visual and physical permeability from "much obstructive" arrangement towards "less Obstructive" arrangement, as to showcase "sense of welcoming" from the opposite direction,
2. increasing level of light penetration via the fenestration provided on the tectonic planes, from the beginning towards the opposite end, from less penetration to wider opening,
3. decreasing sizes and measurement of the techtonic plane
there shouldn't be the same "ambiance" at both end, since he was changed by the phenomenon upon approaching the destination.

The experience at the begining shall not be the same when one approches onward, especially at the ending part, for he is changed, overwhelmed and motivated. The "opening" or path should be
getting wider or taller / or from obscure towards brightness, as he is getting closer to what he is looking for...
VISION is sybollically and literary addressed in the design. Other sensory response are supporting features that complement the experience.

Thursday, September 1, 2011





Friday, August 26, 2011








Saturday, May 21, 2011

God Please Help Me

pick up this from MJN's post:

"ARCHITECTURE" has been chosen as the TOUGHEST course among all d courses including BCOM, Bca, IAS, IPS n MBBS; by d Guinnes Book of World Records, on 18 Aug 2010. It has 58 university exams + 130 series exams + 174 assignments within 5 years (max 750 working days)...

I guess I have got myself in a big trouble...

and I have not been feeling well since the second half of last semester.

The FESS surgery done last Saturday seems to bug me with constant dizziness, headache, leg cramp, bleeding nose, low blood pressure, fatigue, cold etc... I was given 2 weeks (14 days) medical leaves, which is not what I could afford to have.

A part from the final exam in 3 weeks time, we have a few mega assignments pending submission in 2 weeks time, the final design studio project needs extreme attention and design details, design model, architectural drawings, presentation boards, portfolio for each subject... all within 4 weeks!

I can only pray for God's mercy, for miracle to happen...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tree House


Experience with Forest:

1. sense of welcoming revealed by the enclosure of Forest mass
2. overwhelm by the scale and the mass of Forest
3. sense of mystery and adventure

Impression of Forest:

1. tall vertical forest trees i.e Koompassia excesla ( Tualang)
2. multi-storey foliage mass / stratification of horizontal masses
3. blend in, intertwine and interlocking together forming a harmony enclosure
4. enforce a sense of secure and calm
5. most lives exist above forest ground

Site Contexts / Requirement / Site Response / Issues

1. Part of the Protected Forest within Taman Negara, ecologically and environmentally sensitive,
2. The site is situated on the flood plain of Sungai Tabung, subjects to river tide,
highest water level is about 50m above the normal water level,
3. Ground settlement, unstable slope.

Design Solution:

a. minimal disturbance to the existing ground - touch the earth lightly
b. minimal footprint, small build up area, venture upward for vertical spaces
c. economical use of space / allow for multiple uses / flexible spaces
d. structure and construction to enhance slope stability
e. preferably light and dry construction (subject to budget)

"The program (problem to be solved) is what makes a project unique, and the seed of a solution is found within the problem itself. An opportunity exists within every design to develop a unique solution. The environment is the source of a projects poetic sense. Every site has its own character; the challenge to the architect is to capture that character and translate its spirit into architectural poetry." Robert Harvey Oshatz

Creature Scanning: Bamboo (Gigantochloa levis)

Culms 8–15 m, 9–13 cm in diam.; apically drooping; internodes 30–45 cm, initially with brown to white hairs; wall ca. 2.5 mm thick. Culm sheaths deciduous, broadly flabellate, thickly leathery, apex narrow, brown setose; auricles conspicuous, undulate; oral setae 5–7 mm; ligule 6–15 mm, serrulate; blade usually reflexed, ovate-triangular, 9–13 cm, basally with brown setae on both sides. Ultimate branches with 6–10 leaves. Leaf sheath gray setose; ligule ca. 1 mm; blade 15–25 × 1.8–3 cm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially white hairy. Inflorescence unknown.

Riversides, valleys; 500–1000 m. S Yunnan; cultivated in Taiwan [Malaysia, Philippines].

1. very unique plants, belongs to the family of grass,
2. appear "light" yet they are strong, due to both the root and shaft structure
3. root rhizome structure and shafts' internodes
4. flexible form, flexible spaces within - vertical (above ground level) and horizontal (below ground level)

Site Selection Consideration:

Avoid building in environmentally sensitive areas (heavily vegetated natural forest). The selected site is a barren plot cleared earlier. Thus building on this site would avoid further jeopardizing natural vegetated forest, at the same time help in rehabilitating the vacant site.

Design Concept:
"poetic spaces floating amidst the forest"

Floating Space...creating poetic floating spaces that is aligned with the surrounding.
design mimicking the structural character of forest: depicting hierarchy of forest mass, verticality, intertwining structural elements, elegant bamboo shafts, interwoven root rhizomes etc

Design Approach:

Acknowledge the beauty of nature by not competing, instead honoring its supremacy, via juxtaposition of contrasting materials and forms. Architectural character tunes in and harmonizes with the language of the surrounding nature.

The building is designed in direct response to its environmental responsibility. The appeal of the design is primarily on its approach towards site design efficiency.

The design also promote flexibility in terms of space, function, movement, circulation flow etc
refer and relate to the nature of bamboo structure and forest communities.

All proposed spaces are elevated, suggesting a sense of levitation, deluding the connection of platforms with the slope.

Other than technically to minimize building footprint, and to address future flooding threat, "the floating space" also illustrates that most of life in the tropical rain forest exists vertically in trees.

Construction System :

In respond to site context: regards site as environmentally sensitive site: Thus applying
IBS and reduce on-site construction. Reduce material wastage and construction wastage. Reduce the polluting effects of construction and from workers during construction.


NATURE: genuine, honest and true, not pretentious.

Corresponds to the context and setting

responds to the activities it caters

Materials constantly exposed to violence environment, to embrace the etching process and take it as part of the intended design, tells the beauty of time and space.

Physical Characteristic:

Truth to its natural beauty

Third world aesthetic

Rugged and raw

Friday, April 22, 2011

the walking alien

Why is this life getting harder and harder?
It seems that I have never been really happy, or could it because of the pain that I am enduring now, that I have forgotten what happiness is...

What is happening to me is really beyond my endurance, though I always think I am a very happy go lucky person.

Or God is testifying my endeavor ?
Is there a test that is beyond my endurance ?

Why must I enduring this misery?

Why must I go on with the suffering?
At the very first place,
I am not keen to live at all.
I am not looking forward a happy life,
I am not looking forward for anything,
I have nothing to look forward to,
yet I have to life on, because it is not right to end a life...

yet this life is full of agony.

I don't remember when was the last time I was happy (if I had ever felt so).

and in order to go on living, I have found myself a goal to pursue:

"to live an alternative way of life, a way from the conventional living"

I am the walking alien in the crowd.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011













Tuesday, March 22, 2011

are we just unfortunate ?

difference tutor, different style
So strange, same school, same academic year, same academic system, yet different style of education approach is conducted by different tutor.

The moment I was told that Ar Karlson is to be in charge of the afternoon session, I was seriously thinking to shift myself to the afternoon session. I have also many times discussed about this matter with CF. However as I have no one to swap with, thus I am still stuck with the morning session, with the two weird tutors.

This morning session was really setting a big benchmark. As we were late to pin up our analysis diagram, we were graded "late submission" and deterred from verbal presentation. I guess it was my mistake to allow KL to take away the analysis diagrams from me?

my fatal mistake
Early this morning when we were about to leave the 24 hours study room, I remember KL requested to bring back all the analysis diagrams; she wanted to scan them and save to a CD for submission, she added that it is better to submit CD during studio session as it has always been very difficult to trace Mr. Kid outside studio session! At that moment I did not think she was "asking" my permission to take the diagrams, in fact her request sounded more like an "order"! She was asking me to hand over all analysis diagram to her. I was not thinking much (could not afford to think because it was already too "late" and I am too tired to think of any consequences---my fatal mistake).

The cutting off time was 9.15am! Although we managed to pin up all A3 drawings before 9.15am, but we were short of our analysis diagram. Someone remarked I should have known KL is well known of being late to studio, especially this morning.

Sign. Studio life has not been very easy ever since early last week, when we were struggled to proceed with "pop up" analysis diagram and abstraction of our building model. There were countless discussion within our group, especially between KL and me with regards to idea manifestation. We have carried out countless attempts, tried out with different materials, still it seemed that all our discussion were in vain.

talk too much, no action
Along the way, somehow I could sense somewhere was very wrong with KL and JY. Apart from showing poor draftsmanship, they seemed to disregard many of my idea and comments. KL was very obsess with her own way, very indecisive and tend to drag things. JY appeared herself very 'uninvolved'. However in order to maintain good harmony within the group, I did my best to 'disregard' the situation. I think subconsciously I was giving in to these two big heads. Could it be my mistake to be overly liberal?

For reassurance, I did mentioned to CF about JY's poor attitude for a couple of times. I told him my opinion about JY's 'laid back' attitude, her 'talk so much, no action' attitude was really not helping at all in contributing to our work progress. Not to mention her poor draftsmanship, workmanship and craftsmanship. If I am not mistaken she had mentioned to do axonomatric for The Beachclub at the early stage of the project.

KL's self-obsess was getting worst. She had come to point totally ignored any of my input, and went on her own way, but with zero physical output. Our situation was really bad.

indecisive is fatal
Three days to final submission. I was shocked to see KL was still drawing little sketches (although those are not really sketches in accordance to Fabian's standard) with JY looking and talking as usual. Still I have shown no comment of the situation (seems that I am always very liberal and trusted them to be reliable). However the situation changed when JY in return, question my progress on the analysis diagram presentation. She told me to show them our progress before dinner break! I was not sure since when I was supposed to report to her my progress, when me as the group leader had never question her poor performance with the model. Although emotionally provoked, I tried my best to answer her in calm manner and told them not to worry about my part, instead I told her I have been very worry about their performance. My remarked was that they have no sense of crisis, and told them to stop changing idea and take immediate action straight away.

With that, our works were officially carried out in two group. CF and I was doing the analysis diagram and KL and JY were doing the model.

They have again disregard my earlier idea of making model and proceed with their own idea. They have another new idea again - a rather abstract idea: 6 square boxes pilled up to form the building mass. I was speechless and exhausted, knowing them to be obsessive with their own way, I just requested to cut down boxes to half. So our final model would be a building mass made of 3 rectangular boxes!

Would not it be too simple? CF was not happy with the new idea of our model. I told him I am helpless, I told him KL's attitude with regards to my in put. I told him that KL had been ignoring my idea and always disregard my comment or in put.

Razan's comment
Razan's comment provoked me to rethink seriously about the model "I don't think the model looks creative at all, although according to Fabian our earlier single sheet of folding model is not a creative one, but this is worst!". I acknowledged her idea and stared to asked for CF's help. I asked him to help me building another model as back up model after we have finished our analysis diagram. Thank God he agreed.

I wondered what have these two girls been doing until the very last minute there were still nothing solid manifested from their hands. I think the old saying 求人不如求己 is best applied here now. I did some reading on building analysis the next day morning. Thank God, when I started to sketch our 3D building, an idea struck in my mind. I think I have found a way to present the fundamental elements of our building design.

I brought the sketch to our studio and shown it to CF. He was delighted with the sketch and asked me to show it to KL so that they can proceed with it. I reassured him I would definitely show the new idea to KL, but was not expecting high of their acceptance. But we would proceed to do it ourself in case they disagree to accept our idea.

However, to my surprise, KL eventually accepted my idea. Thank God.

What a challenging studio life, as a group leader, you have to deal with the big heads within the group, and at the same time working hard to inspire the tutors...

difference student, different luck
As penalty to our poor punctuality, only 3 groups were allowed to perform verbal presentation. Of course we were out of the list! That means we could only know 3 types of building design other then our own Beachclub. I told CF I wanted to attend the afternoon session in order to learn more building analysis examples, and to know how the afternoon session is.

It was already 3.00pm yet everyone was still busy doing their hand works. Two tutors were sitting in front, patiently waiting I presumed. Ar Karlson is the one I saw in facebook. This Ar Eric is another one, different from the one we saw last semester.

Contrasting to the morning session, the atmosphere in the afternoon studio session was calm and peaceful. I did not even notice that they have started their crit. Therefore I missed the first group, what a waste.

I quietly approached to the second group where Ar Karlson and Ar Eric were sitting listening to their verbal presentation. It was my first time listening to a clear explanation on "vernacular architecture", a remark by Ar Eric. I was impressed with his 'sensitivity' towards students' terminology application during verbal presentation.

Although Ar Karlson and Ar Eric were both very patient, I somehow prefer Ar Eric's way. I am impressed with his patience and passion in explaining details of relevant elements with regards to the particular building, and he always conclude a presentation with some remarks that help student to understand their performance.