Wednesday, June 18, 2014

弃儿的故事 The Abandoned Child

Once upon a time, there was a very poor couple who had just given birth to a baby boy.  However on that very night, due to severe poverty, they abandoned the newly born baby on the street after wrapping him with a piece of tattered rag, and attached with the little money they could found in the house, hoping that a kind people would adopt the baby.  It was also a nationwide festive day that the whole nation was vibrantly decorated and people from all walks of life are celebrating with many joyful activities.

A visiting Brahman from faraway place, who was deeply impressed upon seeing such grand celebration, praised in awe: “what an auspicious day, those born today, be it boy or girl, shall be a noble and a promising one.”

There was a wealthy landlord, a Vaishya who had plenty of properties, except for an heir.  Since long ago he had wanted to adopt a child.  On that very same day, he was in town having leisure time on the street; he overheard the benediction of the Brahman, he was delighted and thus asked his servant to seek around for any abandoned baby born on that day.

Someone told the servant: “A childless widow had picked up a baby boy on the street this morning.”

The servant swiftly returned to report to his master, whom later together with the servant, soon found the widow and told her: “although I have plenty of properties, but I have not even a son.  If you agree to give me this child, I shall give you a big sum of money.”

The widow agreed to the request.

The Vaishya happily brought home with him the baby boy, caring and tendering the boy as if he was his own bloodline.

However, a few months later, the wife of the Vaishya had unexpectedly pregnant with their own bloodline.

The Vaishya was very happy for the sudden surprise, but in his mind he has a thought: “I adopted the poor boy because I had no child of my own; in view that now God has bestowed me with my own bloodline, why should I keep him here?” He waited until midnight, wrapped up the baby boy, thrown him into a dried brook nearby.

After which a few days that followed, the pastoral who work for the Vaidya, noticed a ewe (mother goat) frequently patronized the nearby brook whenever it was free.  He was curious and thus tracked after the mother goat to find out; he discovered that the mother goat was breastfeeding a fine looking baby boy inside the brook.  He did not understand why the baby could be dropped into the brook.  He thus brought the baby back to the house and fed him with goat milk every day.

The Vaishya was angry to notice that the goat milk brought to him lately was insufficient.  He accused the pastoral for stealing his goat milk.

The pastoral quickly explained: “I picked up an abandoned baby boy from the brook, such a poor baby! There is not much to feed him, so I feed him with some goat milk every day; I beg your pardon, master.”

The Vaishya was embarrassed to see that was the baby who he had thrown away.  He had slight regret and decided to adopt the baby for the second time.

After a few months, the wife of the Vaishya gave birth to a baby boy.

The Vaishya again thought that the adopted child was a nuisance; he again had an evil idea.  This time, he threw the wrapped up baby in the middle of night on the main road, hoping some big carts or animals like cow or horse would tumble him to death, clean and tidy.

Early in the morning, hundreds of merchants ushering their oxcarts passed through the main road.  The leading cow saw the baby on the road; it stopped and refused to move on regardless how hard the merchant whipped it.

The wondered merchants got down on the road to examine, and discovered the abandoned baby boy.

Upon seeing such a fine baby boy, the merchants said in admiration: “this must be a child of God, how could he be thrown here?” They carried the baby onto the cart.

The leading cow then moved on.  

After travelled for about 30 miles, the merchants came to a little inn for some rest.

The owner of the inn was a lonely old woman, she heard that the baby boy was picked up from the road, and was delighted to see such a cute baby.  She pleaded to them: “please give me the baby, I have no child, he could take care of me to my old age.”

The merchants understood it was not convenient to bring along a baby on their trip, and also sympathized at the lonely old woman; they hence gave the baby to her.

The news that the merchants had picked up a fine baby from the road was soon spread around.

The Vaishya heard about the news and was again regretted at his own wicked act; he worried that he might commit some sins and suffers the retributions.  He soon came to the little inn and redeemed the baby and brought him back home, nurtured him along with his own son.

Two or three years had passed; both the children were gradually growing up.

The Vaishya noticed that the adopted son was much smarter and more capable than his own heir, he again felt uneasy: “this boy is such a smart one, my son is far behind him, hence my son might be bullied by him in the future.” After some thought, he felt that it was better to get rid of the adopted one the sooner the better.  He thus brought the young boy into a dense jungle and tied him up before hung him on top of a bamboo grove.  He thought that the boy would soon starve to death.  He then left the jungle feeling relieve.

The boy struggled hard and cried out loudly due to the painful bind, eventually he dropped down onto the ground, which a stream was nearby, he kept struggle that he rolled into the stream.  Drifted along and flew down stream with the flow.

Coincidently, there was a family who had just lost a member; they carried the body into the jungle for cremation, their helpers were wandering around looking for firewood.  As they saw a boy floating down the stream, they quickly pulled him up and fortunately he was still alive.

They were amaze to see such a decent and lovely boy, they thought he was sent down from the heaven. They thus brought the boy back to raise him at home.

This news was heard by the Vaishya who again regretted and frighten.  He prepared a big sum of money and tearfully brought the boy back to his house; again he raised him along with his own son.

The two boys soon grew up; the Vaishya employed a teacher to teach them reading and writing, learning all sorts of knowledge and skills.

The adopted son was blessed smart; he could read any book at first glance, he learnt fast about any knowledge and skills.  He was also kindhearted and compassionate.  He often helped people to resolve problems and arguments, he spoke eloquent and logical truths, all his reasoning were said to advise and propagate kindness.

People in the town acknowledged the adopted son as a great person; they often came to consult him and seek for his advices.

In contrast, the actual heir was just a naughty and nonsense little fool.

Realizing the situation, the Vaishya was very jealous at his adopted son.  He eventually failed to overcome his jealousy that he decided by all means to get rid of him, once and for all, for good.

The Vaishya had a blacksmith who lived 7 miles away into the suburb.

The Vaishya wrote to his blacksmith a letter, after which he sealed it firmly.  He called upon the elder son and told him: “I am growing old day by day, beside my illness, I guess I shall not live very long, you bring this letter to the ironsmith at the outskirt, sum up how much they owe us, the money is yours.”

The elder son acted upon the father’s instruction to deliver the letter.  As he arrived at the city gate, he coincidently met up with his brother who was playing shooting walnuts with a group of children.

The younger brother badly lost to his friends.  He was delighted to see the elder brother coming; he told the elder brother to help him to recover his loss.

The elder brother declined him that he had to deliver a letter to the blacksmith.

The younger brother seized the letter from his elder brother and told him to shot the walnuts while he would deliver the letter on his behalf.  The younger brother soon disappeared with the letter.

The younger brother arrived at the blacksmith’s house and handed over the letter. 

The blacksmith opened the sealed letter and found it was written: “ever since this boy came to our house, my family has always suffered from diseases, conflicts, continuous properties loss, poultries died. I have asked a Brahman for divination; he said it was all due to this boy.  Immediately throw him into the fire and burn him to death upon receiving my letter.”

After reading the letter, without a word the blacksmith grabbed the boy and threw him into the furnace.

The Vaishya was very happy after he dispatched the elder son to the blacksmith; he thought that he had finally got rid of his painful obstacle.  However when his beloved son did not return home despite the day was getting late, he sent out his servant to look for him.

When the servant arrived at the city gate, he saw the elder son holding a huge bunch of walnuts heading home; he asked him if he had seen his brother, as the father was looking for him.

The elder son quickly returned home and told his father that the younger brother had replaced him to deliver the letter.

The Vaishya was stunned with the answer; he immediately hopped on a horse and rushed towards the blacksmith’s house.  However, his arrival was too late that his son had already been burned to ash.

The Vaishya was greatly in pain that he cried out loud, but despite his howling cries, his beloved son was forever gone.  He returned home in great sorrow and lied on his bed, he had fallen sick.   With heartfelt agony, his felt that his legs were lifeless. Ever since then, he lived his remaining days on the bed.

Despite the painful lesson, the Vaishya did not repent upon his mistake; instead he hated the elder son even more.  He was determined to eliminate him as quickly as possible.  He did not mind leaving no heir in the world, and desperately wanted to get rid of the adopted son.

The Vaishya had a manor about a thousand miles away from the town he was residing.  One day, he called upon the elder son, and handed him a letter firmly sealed with wax, and said to him: “the manager of the manor was not doing his job, he had messed up the manor, hence you would better hurry over and help me get things back to order.” The elder son took the letter and bade farewell to his father, he brought along a few servants and rushed to the manor the very night.

The Vaishya had a younger brother who lived adjacent to the manor.

As the elder son was passing by the uncle’s house, he thought that he should drop in for some courtesy greetings.  He hence asked his servants to drop by with him.

The uncle was delighted to learn that his nephew was visiting.  He hosted a dinner feast to welcome the nephew, and invited many of their relatives and neighbors to come to celebrate with them.

The crowd was amazed to see the handsome looking elder son.  The feast was celebrated with singings and dancing that it was adjourned only late at night.  Everybody felt asleep quickly as they had had great fun the whole evening.

The Vaishya’s brother had a beautiful and bright daughter, whom upon seeing her visiting cousin, grew profound admiration towards him.  Besides, she was curious at the cousin’s sudden visit and the task that her uncle assigned to his cousin.  Later in the night when everyone was asleep, she quietly opened the cousin’s knapsack and took out the latter to read, it was written: “upon this boy’s arrival, bundle him and tie to a big rock before throw him into the abyss.”

The girl was stunned to know her uncle was such a cruel man who wanted to sabotage his own son.  Knowing the cousin as a handsome man yet would soon lost his life in the gully, she was terrified.  After soma few thoughts she came out with a trick.

She took out a writing paper and imitated the uncle’s handwriting: “I am at my very old age; suffering illness lately, my body is worsen day by day, I have a brother who has a daughter, beautiful and bright, well learned and well mannered, I shall propose her as my daughter in law.  Upon receiving this letter, please prepare dowry at once, all shall be of the finest, the best and confirm the engagement in person, arrange for wedding as soon as possible.”

She then put the letter into the envelope, sealed back as it was before she placed it back.

Early in the morning the following day, the elder son bade farewell to his uncle and soon arrived at the manor.

The manager read the letter handed to him, did the arrangements as ordered, prepared plenty of precious jewelries, satins and fine silks, and personally arrived at the girl’s house to propose marriage to her parents.

The parents discussed over the sudden proposal: “Marriage is such an important even of life; they should have sent a matchmaker for the marriage proposal, there shall be a fortune-telling conjunction, and then deliver the dowry, only then we could agree the proposal.  Now that brother delivered his dowry without sending a matchmaker, and have not done the fortune-telling conjunction, yet he requested to arrange for immediate wedding, isn’t that too rash?”  Nevertheless, they soon had another thought: “Marriage is an expected affair; the couple is such a compatible one, guess they are destined for each other.  Maybe brother knows he was getting older and weaker that he wanted to see the son get married soon!” They hence agreed at the proposal.

They invited their relatives and friends and soon held the wedding ceremony.  

The relatives and friends were in awe to witness such a compatible newlywed couple, that they praised: “What a good fortune! Their descendants would definitely live on wealthy and prosperous.”

After the wedding, the manager immediately sent a messenger to deliver the news to his master.

The Vaishya was extremely shocked to hear the news.  He turned speechless; his eyes were showing of ghastly gaze, he could barely breathe; all he could was to mumble in dismay.

The messenger was frighten and quickly returned to the manor to inform the manager.

The elder son was panicked to hear the news that his father was very sick, he wanted to rush back home to pay visit the father. 

The father in law wanted the newlywed couple to stay on for few more days, and leaving only after they have selected an auspicious date.  However the son in law was too worried that he was restless, he could no longer wait for another day, hence he left with his wife in the very night.

Upon arrival at home, the couple quickly visited the bedridden father. 
The girl kept bowed at her father in law, while crying out: “I am your son’s wife, as per your decision that I am your daughter in law, I shall not disappoint you, I shall take good care of house chores, bring you many heirs in order to expand the family. I hope father would get well soon, blessed with longevity that I could show more filial piety!”

The Vaishya was speechless; all he could do was to show off his ghastly gaze.  Soon after stomping his legs a few times, he breathed his last breathe.


The elder son was miserable to lose his father, he cried in dismay.  The couple prepared a grand funeral for the father.  Everyone in town attended the funeral; the couple was well praised for their filial piety.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

小偷与禅师 The Thief and the Zen Master


One evening, Zen master Shichiri Kojun was reciting sutras when a thief entered his house with a sharp sword, demanding "money or life".


Without any fear, Shichiri said, "Don't disturb me! Help yourself with the money, it's in that drawer". And he resumed his recitation. The thief was startled by this unexpected reaction, but he proceeded with his business anyway. While he was helping himself with the money, the master stopped and called, "Don't take all of it. Leave some for me to pay my taxes tomorrow".


The thief left some money behind and prepared to leave. Just before he left, the master suddenly shouted at him, "You took my money and you didn't even thank me?! That's not polite!". This time, the thief was really shocked at such fearlessness. He thanked the master and ran away. The thief later told his friends that he had never been so frightened in his life.

几天后,小偷被逮捕了,他向警方招供他过去干过的盗窃案,包括在禅师家。禅师便被叫来作证。但禅师却说,“不,这人并没有偷窃我的任何东西。是我给他钱,他还谢了我呢。” 小偷因此很是感动而决定忏悔。当小偷由监狱释放出来后,他成了禅师的学生,经过多年学习后他便悟道了。

A few days later, the thief was caught and confessed, among many others, his theft at Shichiri's house. When the master was called as a witness, he said, "No, this man did not steal anything from me. I gave him the money. He even thanked me for it." The thief was so touched that he decided to repent. Upon his release from prison, he became a disciple of the master and many years later, he attained Enlightenment.

From: Zen Flesh, Zen Bones; Paul Reps; 1961 Doubleday Anchor Books, New York