Friday, May 30, 2014

罗希妮的故事 The Story of Roshni


In the olden days in India when Buddha was giving teachings to the public, Brahmanism which upholds caste system was a general belief among the people. Traditional Indian caste system is also the most important social institutions and norms.


In a village there was an old couple who belonged to the lowest caste, the Shudra caste.  The old couple worked as paddy farmers to their landlord who was of higher caste. 


One day, as the old couple was walking toward the paddy fields with each carrying own lunch box; they came across a solemn monk who had just rouse from an extensive meditation. The old man suggested to the old lady that they shared a lunch box so that another one could be offered to the monk. The old lady joyfully agreed.


The monk was indeed an Arahant who had gained supernatural power. He was pleased upon seeing the poor old couple kneeling down by the roadside offering him their lunch box. He thus said to them: “you gave and therefore you shall be given.”

供养出家人过后老夫妇欢喜的回到田地里工作。当老先生正在卖力的锄地时,意外的挖出一箱黄金。其实那箱黄金早就埋在田里了,只是他们都不会挖掘到 尚若没那个因缘。但是因为他们供养了刚出定的阿罗汉,而就此结了缘。

The old couple happily proceeded to the paddy fields after the incident. When the old man was busy plowing the ground, he unexpectedly dug out a crate of gold. The gold had long been buried there since time immemorial, but they could never be able to get it should there be no merits. Nevertheless since they had done offerings to the Arahant, they thus earned the merits.


The old couple was honest people that they did not seize the crate of gold for themselves; instead they submitted the crate to their landlord. The landlord whom was a Brahmanism follower, believed in Karma, he had insight that the gold should belong to the old couple as he had all the while never discovered it.


The old couple had become very rich people. The king soon learnt about their story and was very impressed by their honesty and their kind landlord. The king wanted to compliment them; he wanted to raise the status of the old couple. The king made their daughter Roshni, his majesty’s foster sister. The old couple thus had elevated status - the members of the royal family.


Roshni was indeed a pretty young lady. With her raised status as the foster sister of the king, she was eligible to marry any bachelor from prominent families. Not long after she was married to a spinster from a rich family. In view that she was originally slave, she did not employ servant for herself, and she did all household chores by herself.


Roshni was a hardworking and caring wife. She always bore in mind of her miraculous fortune which was due to her parents who had once offered food to a monk. While keeping up with household chores, she requested her husband to allow her some personal time to do offerings whenever there were monks came to their place. She pledged to him that she would only use her own money for offerings. Her husband could not resist her fervent requests and thus given in to her.


There was a time when Buddha arrived with a group of over 2 hundred monks for their 3 months summer retreat at the city where Roshni was residing.  Buddha wanted to give opportunities for the local people to learn about Buddha teachings and sow good deeds.  Roshni soon learnt about the news and wanted to take the opportunity to offer services to Buddha and his disciples throughout the 3 months duration.  However, in order to ensure that all household duties were taken care of during her absence, she pleaded to her husband to let her employ a servant from her hometown to take care of the chores.  Not long before her husband could resist her request, Roshni was backed from her hometown taking along with her a very pretty young servant.  The husband eventually accepted the arrangement, and Roshni was thus permitted to offer services at Buddha’s summer retreat.

罗希妮全心全意的做供养三个月后,终于证得初果,整个脸相都改变了。但是,当她回到自己家时,那位漂亮的女仆已经对她起了坏念头。女仆嫉妒同是奴婢出身的罗希妮变成了富贵的大夫人,她觉得自己也可以取代罗希妮嫁给她的丈夫 - 只要她把罗希妮除掉。其实那女仆已经和罗希妮的丈夫有暧昧关系了。女仆在伺候男主人的三个月里已经暗地里勾引他了。

After the 3 months was over, Roshni in the end attained Sotapanna.  She returned home with a renewed complexion. However now, the servant whom Roshni employed during her absence had developed evil intention toward her. The servant was jealous at Roshni, knowing that she was born a servant, yet had the opportunity to be elevated to a rich man’s wife. The servant wanted to get rid of Roshni and take over her place as the mistress of the house. In fact the servant had already seduced her master during her 3 months duration serving at the house.


One day, as Roshni was buzy heating water in the kitchen, the servant took the chance to do away with her mistress. She approached Roshni and pretended to extend a helping hand, however instead of helping she spilled the boiling water toward her mistress’s face. Roshni who had attained Sotapanna, was not agitated nor annoyed seeing the wicked act of her servant, she instead empathized at her for having deluded by her jealousy. Roshni had always been deeply grateful for her servant, without whom she would not be able to participate at the earlier summer retreat.  Therefore she would not hesitate to sacrifice her own life for that servant.

The power of mind is unpredictable. Roshni who was engrossed with profound gratitude, unknowingly transformed the boiling water into cold water before the water sopping her face. The servant was saddened seeing her mistress not injured, she quickly plunged her hand into the pot to find out if the water was really hot. The water was indeed boiling hot that it burnt her hand, which further aggravated her anger. Again she wanted to spill the remaining water towards her mistress.  Her malicious act was however noticed by the male servant nearby who promptly came over to stop her and beaten her badly.


Roshni soon stop the beating and brought the injured servant to her room and personally treated her wounds, while kept on consoling her that she was just being impulsive and misled by that. The servant was deeply moved by Roshni’s magnanimity and regretted her own foolish acts. She shamefully knelt down in front of her mistress and repented her sins. However Roshni told her servant that it would not be of much help to kneel at her mistress, instead she told her servant to repent to Buddha in person.


It was already the end of the summer retreat for Buddha and his followers. On behalf of her destitute servant, Roshni prepared some large quantity of materials as offerings, after which she personally led her to meet Buddha. She told her servant to take the opportunity to do offerings and be a generous benefactor. Kind Roshni wanted her servant to have the same opportunity as her parents, to be raised caste after having done offering to a monk.

接受供养后的佛陀向大众宣布这次真正的大功德主是罗希妮。大众都为此而感到迷惑,因为他们只看见女仆做供养。 佛陀就趁机会教育大众,当着大家面前问罗希妮当她看着女仆把滚水泼向自己时,心里是什么感受。罗希妮说她当时一点都不感到生气也没有怨恨,而且对女仆感恩都来不及,因为心里一直都记得女仆帮助她成就种大福田。佛陀听后就赞叹罗希妮是因为心里没有恨,滚水也都变凉水。不但没有嗔恨女仆,还带着她来向佛陀证得大功德。

After receiving the offerings, Buddha announced to the public that there were in fact 2 benefactors. Apart from the servant, Roshni was the benefactor behind the scenes. The public was puzzled because they witnessed just the servant did the offerings. Buddha thus took the opportunity to educate those present. In front of the audiences, Buddha asked Roshni what was in her mind upon seeing her servant pouring hot water toward her face. Roshni told Buddha that she was not at all annoyed; instead she was always deeply grateful for her assistance during her absence from home, without which she would not be able to attained Sotapanna. Buddha praised after hearing from Roshni that it was due to devoid of hatred that her willpower transformed the boiling water into cold water, and escaped the injuries. Compassionate Roshni not just did not hate her servant; she even brought her to meet Buddha and wanted her to sow merits.


The servant repented all along while kneeling down in front of Buddha, she eventually attained Sotapanna. Roshni with her great compassion had successfully eliminated all her greed and anger, she thus attained Anagami. Buddha greatly praised the incident.


Practicing Buddha teachings is therefore not necessary required long term training, with the right mind; daily lives offer plenty of opportunities for education that would lead to attaining great merits.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


这个闭关并没有经过深思熟虑或刻意计划。 就当着是机缘巧合,让自己有机会接受另一类的精进吧。曾经尝试在附近找个地方短期出家,但这里好像不流行这种文化,也不懂该往哪里去。

不久之前我曾要求到韩国餐馆当厨师助手,方便自己学习一些韩式小菜。 既然我喜爱韩式料理,想到以后可以在韩国餐馆工作多好啊。 可是我却被冷漠的拒绝了,原因是我不是男性。

过后我也曾积极的联络那些传说中季节性的外国果园收割代理,但是总没联络上。 是我没那种赚块钱的福气,还是我没当黑工的命?

难道我真的必须回到老本行,再与过去那班建筑同志纠缠不清? 可我现在真的没那种心情。







没想到周老师听后竟然眼睛发亮,笑着说那些聘请启示其实都是骗人的。 就算给你联络上那些所谓的代理员他们也只是跟你收RM6000杂费后叫你自己去联络当地的园主,而且你还得自己办签证和机票。怪了,还他们RM6000杂费干嘛?! 竟然有这种事





但事情怎么是阴差阳错,转了个大圈。 周老师离开的目的竟然是我之前梦寐以求的。而我进入这里是因为没机会出国。 更糟的是现在我与学校签了一年半的合约!





Wednesday, May 7, 2014

the last bookworm

The more I read, the more I know that I have not learnt so much.

You coined me bookworm just because I like to do reading?  Have you googled what a bookworm really is?  Or just because none of the people in your family (other than me) do reading or have the habit of reading therefore you think I am the odd?  Come on young man, look beyond your walls.  Look far and think deep, reading is just a culture you have not learnt about (which you should have but unfortunately you have not).

If you care to understand, or if you are keen enough to notice what I have been reading, or if you bother to glance through the collection of books I am reading, you would know that I am not reading academic books as what the traditional bookworms have been doing.  I do voluntary readings and I have no exams to sit for my readings.

Well, I was not born smart like Leonardo Da Vinci nor have the brain like Albert Einstein.  I was unfortunately (I guess I am having tons of bad deeds from the past lives) born to a timid family with inferior parents who literally confined my childhood and teenhood to virtually zero exposure to the outside world beyond the forsaken bush where our father built the illegal shelters (I refuse to call those abodes houses because they were not eligible as house for humanity standard).

You may notice that I used plural shelters instead of singular shelter.  That is because there were all together three (3) illegal shelters being built. Except for the first one, each was built after the previous one had been destroyed by very strong wind.  By the way, the first one was built after we were chased out of grandpa’s house when I was barely six year old.  If DBKK (back then was called MPKK) had not demolished the last one, I guess our parents would still be squatting in the bush, and there would not be just three (3) shelters in the family history.

The flimsy wooden shelters were without any modern, or I should say basic utilities such as government water supply, electricity, telephone, sanitary plumbing, refrigerator, gas stove, mail box, municipal garbage collection or even asphalt sealed access road, which means we have very limited mobility.  The situation was inhumane in today’s term.  Therefore we had virtually no neighbor.  That was understandable; no sane modern human would want to live in such extreme deprivation.  We were physically and socially isolated from the outside world.  Having inferior parents exacerbated our isolation.  Our father was hardly at home while our mother was barely out home.  Except for school hours, our lives were confined to the bush.  Our humble abodes hardly had visitor.   Who would bother to visit such barren place and its boring inhabitants? A place so inconveniently access physically, we had life no different from hermits in the mountains.

With limited mobility and social communication breakdown, I had very little idea of the world outside the bush.  I was not informed of the wide range of peoples, things or events happening outside the bush.  Our parents never bother to expose us to the outside world.  Father was hardly home.   If he happened to be home he did not bother to talk to us.  Mother was strangely inferior to the extend I suspect my sociopath syndromes was due to her.  There was virtually no intellectual conversation within family members.  There was no exposure to medias other than academic books.  There was no casual visit to book stores or libraries.  There was no one around to instil knowledge beyond academic readings.

I remember my first casual visit to Easton, it was after Form Five.  I was so shocked and overwhelmed to see wide range of books in display, and deeply regretted for having missed out so much all these while. However back then, there was the issue of money; I had no budget for none academic books.

Now that I have my own money, I bought books captured my interest whenever I visited book stores. I started to build up my own library. I have turned from a fervent reader into a book collector.

Why do I bother reading so much?  Psychologically, I found refuge in reading.  Intellectually, readings widen my knowledge; readings inspired me, readings connect and relate me to the world outside.  Physiologically, I am merely making full use of reading potentials, which only human has.  Since we have very limited life span as compared to the infinite eons the universe has, that we could only experience so much in a life time, thus many other experiences we missed out could then be substitute with readings.

Of course I do watch TV documentaries and movies.  I went to colleges and universities as many times as I could.  I was even coined certificates collector.  But that could only do so much.

The keywords here are lifelong learning and new experience.  All things evolve with time for betterment. Human being would always in search of new experience.  Readings equip us with wide range of learnings and experiences.  Reading nourishes our mind and enforces our mentality.  We could have strong minds which would then benefit the conduct of our lives.  The ultimate independent could be achieved when a person is mentally independent.

Personally, I have learnt so much from readings.  Readings provide me with knowledge and confidence that I am not afraid of being different or not accepted by the status quo.

Let’s leave the technical part and explore the spiritual side of readings and learning.  Do you know why some people were born smart or having different talents?  And why some people were born prodigies?  Why was Da Vinci multi-talented?  Why Einstein had such brilliant brain?  It is said that these people had been acquiring the same skills through many past lives.  In other words, it says our talents or intellects are not acquired just in one life time, indeed talents are the result of many lives efforts, talents are accumulated skills.  The prodigies that you see in the medias are very old souls who had been learning hard all their past lives.

Every single thing I know is the result of my hard earned effort.  I didn't have the luxury of being spoon-feed.  I hope that justifies why I never stop reading and learning.  I am just making good use of the limited time I have in a life time.