Tuesday, December 21, 2010




变, 是因为有生命,一切还在运作。








Thursday, December 9, 2010







Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to Prevent Nasal Polyps?

"You must be very scared of surgery" said the doctor, while putting down the camera after he had inspected my nostrils.

What a humorous doctor. I was just too busy and too careless.

A surgery to remove the polyps is deemed unavoidable. However I have to go through a CT scan (cat scan) first in order to make a diagnosis - to identify the scale and the coverage of the polyps.

I never expect I could get involved with nasal polyps. I did not even know when and where did I get the cause and when did it actually started.

Nasal polyps are growths that result from inflamed mucus membranes in the sinuses and nasal passages. They can extend to the opening of the nostrils, or even down to the throat area. These growths can block the nasal passages.

Nasal polyps are often related to other chronic diseases and tend to last for long periods of time. They can even grow back after medical treatments or surgical removal.

However after scrolling through information on the internet, I read that there is a natural method to prevent the nasal polyps, the procedure is as the following:

Do the pranayam for 30 minutes twice daily to get rid of the polyps gradually.
Once the polyps have disappeared, do the anulom vilom for 20 minutes daily.
Your feedback will help hundreds in your situation:

Build up your timing gradually. If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.

Anulom Vilom pranayam –
Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril
then -keeping the left nostril closed deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 15 to 30 minutes twice a day.
Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed. Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs. You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.

Friday, December 3, 2010





一大早就给妹妹捎了短讯,希望他们可以安排时间到校园参观。看看 FNB 的 recycle/reused 作品设计展览,希望可以为孩子们带来一些冲刺和设计概念。


托妹妹的福, 我可以乘坐舒服的私家大房车一路顺风上云顶。 这还是我今生第二次上云顶,第一次是十多年前的历史了!别怪我,因为我一直找不到上云顶的理由。。。




在这样的场合,让我自己走我也不懂该何去何从。还好我是来陪玩的。因为小朋友们都还不能玩大部分 outdoor theme park 的设备,我们就决定只在 indoor theme park 玩。好厉害的云顶老板,竟然想到把 shopping 和 amusement(除了 gambling,leisure 和 entertainment之外) 配在一起!一家大小老少通杀。不愧为商业霸王!

更离奇的是,在喧哗人山人海的 indoor theme park里,我遇见讲师兼学长 Mr. Kid。。。?! 这位跟我像是没什么缘分但是却几次无意会碰到的讲师兼学长。还是他先看到我而跑到我面前比手画脚,笑容满脸看着我,当时我还很迷惑,傻傻呆呆的望着他,好尴尬,在这里遇到他,怎么这么巧,还是不巧。。。?想到自己之前还发过email投诉他,早上还刚在BB7狠狠的评估他。哎呀,真对不起,老师。。。

精打计算的妹妹,让孩子们把所有能玩的都玩了。无意中,她自己还赚了两回免费陪女儿玩 carousal 和一回免费乘坐 monorail 环游整个主题公园! 我们也只是在孩子们看 4D 电影时才有机会单独两人坐下好好用晚餐。当妈妈真不容易,我真佩服她,也为孩子们感到幸福,他们有这么能干的妈妈。


Thursday, November 25, 2010








Wednesday, November 17, 2010



曾经, 我相信爱情,爱对了人 就会天长地久,
现在, 我明白, 有些事 有些人 仅仅能成为纪念。

爱 在现实面前,最终选择的是 沉默。
当一个女人把生命中最灿烂, 最耀眼的光阴付出给等待时,
有些人, 注定只是相遇, 相恋,

有一种爱,明知道无前路 心去却早已收不回来。

你伤得我好深 好深 好深,
但你留给我的 只有无尽的伤害和等待。



我很疼 很疼 ,
心好累 好累,

你晓得吗 你知道吗 你明白吗 你懂吗?
所以 爱情 请一路走好。

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

making of the Cave

cliff alcove: a hanging cave
space for self

design brief:
1. grafting an existing wall in a historical city (urban environment).
2. making a place for self: a private space for reflection, contemplation, day dreaming, hideaway, hide and peep, observation, etc.

side alley off Lekir Street (part and parcel of a world heritage site), a rustic wall with crooked profile of a decadent rear yard.

reasons for selecting the site:
1. interesting textures and profile on the existing wall, face to face contrasting qualities
2. optimal light and shade through out the day,
3. wide spectrum of colors from adjacent buildings,
4. a quiet, peaceful, safe, secluded yet not isolated location,
5. adjacent to happening areas.

the source of inspiration:
1. optical and tactile textures of vertical and horizontal lines.
2. colors of adjacent buildings.

design philosophy:
an ideal setting for contemplation should provides stability, universality and spirituality in order to promote imagination. This can be achieved through the yin and young balancing of horizontal and vertical strokes.

principles "purity" and "precision"
the design should reflect "pure reality", that is projecting pure essence of the real world, representing the dichotomy of the universe in eternal tension.

1. provides maximum privacy.
2. allows isolation.
3. elevated for better vision and imagination,

a "cave" and a "grotto" is historically and culturally associated with meditation and contemplation. This design intend to create a "cave" for that matter.

1. preservation of existing wall (part and parcel the heritage city).
2. enhance the role of the wall, added value to the wall.
3. embraced the wall:
unity and harmony with existing wall.
creating elevated rooms to facilitate day dreaming.

a space for contemplation is a small, intimate and private space with characteristic:
1. order and harmony: linear, vertical and horizontal arrangement are inherently harmonious.
2. abstraction: vertical and horizontal lines, space articulation,
3. simplicity: vertical and horizontal lines and rectangular forms.

functional spaces:
1. circulatory areas
2. observation
3. hide and peep (the light shaft)
4. reflection, contemplation, day dreaming and hideaway (the grotto)

Crit on the 30 November 2010

Thank God, the judge gave positive comments and assured the ideas and concept interpretation was accurate and clear..."so far the best idea and concept interpretion"

Positive comments:
1. Design "embraced" the existing wall; not imposed any negative actions on it, no destruction or modification to the wall, in par with the notion of "preservation" at the historical city (world heritage), instead the design acknowledged the authentic appearance of the wall and dignified the rustic wall - act of empathy and sensitivity to the environment,
2. Related design with existing wall texture; relate the textures pattern with the from / composition of the structure,
3. Interpreted / translated the essence of cave enclosure to the design and space articulation,

Constructive Questions:
1. what is beyond the wall? a run down private courtyard, is the proposed structure "intruding" to other's place?
2. Why is it elevated high up?
a. in line with the "nature" of the "day dreaming" - the mind flies and "floats" ...
b. elevated space gives better vision, bigger space and wider dimension,
c. the further form the ground, the wilder the mind goes (as vision too)
d. experience "floating" in the air, facilitates imagination, as "day dreaming" is something unrealistic, something vague...
e. better privacy...
f. avoid and away from the "hard ground" - solidity that is seen as "confining" and restrictive.

Friday, November 5, 2010



新版本《囚鸟》 的我,是一个三次出入学院的老学生,走过经济萧条,政策改革,科技数码化,社会全球化。。。





南飞的候鸟, 又能有多少路途可选择?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Malaysian Pavilion

Of all the embarrassing comments I have heard about The Malaysian Pavilion, I rated this the most hilarious one:

"Indonesians were to be very proud, Indonesia has got two pavilions in the Shanghai World Expo".

While other pavilions were designed to project forward looking concept or showing best aspiration with abstract and artistic architecture, the Malaysia Pavilion is replicating the traditional Indonesia's Minangkabau architecture.

To make the matter worst, the interior of the pavilion is laid out resembling a typical "supermarket" or "hyper market" environment where merchandise are displayed on the floor or shelves for sale.

Besides, there are some "out of context" composition of artificial rock garden, water features and artificial plants strewed here and there - very "kampung" touch - typical Malay taste.

Even the Indonesia Pavilion is far more appropriate in terms of image they want to project to the world. In fact, I think Indonesia Pavilion is the only one endeavors to relate its nature based culture to the pavilion design, and reflects a lifestyle that is in harmony with the nature.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Way Out

Strange…it is my birthday today, and I am going to spend the evening all by myself, yet, there is a sense of relief, so much light and easy feeling inside of me.

I am not sure of why is this happening to me. I believe it is a good sign, though.

Two days ago, I was a little shocked when you told me you are going back home the day after tomorrow---the day before my birthday! However, my mind immediately took it positive. After second thought, I was grateful that you did so. Deep in my heart, I am convinced and so much assured that I have made the right decision. This is not the first time you broke my heart. I am now just double assured of who I am to you, thank God for all the clues, although it has taken too long for me to realize and awaken to.

Maybe God has heard my cries. I am nobody but just a friend…you are never the reason I should stay. I can leave with full peace of mind, no guilt, and never regret it! In fact, I am looking forward...

At last, after years of struggle, provoked by desperation and inspired by misery, I have found my way out.

Friend comes and goes. I have nothing to lose, as you too.

Maybe I am destined to a road less travelled, but I am walking it with full hope and enthusiasm, for it is still better then not travelling at all…cheers to the mysterious future.

Monday, January 11, 2010


The quest for Beethoven Virus has eventually come to an end.

After weeks of struggling between works, social and spiritual obligation, movies for mental relaxation, I finished off the last 4 episodes in one go this Sunday.

No happy ending.

Not just because of the ending story that I was a little sad. The drama has been very thought provoking and stimulating. It has given me so much enthusiasm and strengthen my hope in moving towards achieving dreams. It has now come to an end.

It is rare to find such a unique and inspiring drama.

I would really missed Maestro Jiang, and his Thoven.

With little sadness, I proceed to pick up food for ancestors from mother.

Brother was in the kitchen busy preparing something. I greeted him.

All of sudden Brother asked me if I would like to have a puppy...!!?

Ah...a puppy, what a sweet question, this is the second time Brother asked me. He asked the same question about 2 years back. I declined him that time. I was not confident to take care of animal, knowing my life style --- "frail free living".

However when I saw Brother fed the puppy with TLC, I was so touched and impressed, I was amazed that how could a bold man like my Brother could be so patience and caring with animal yet I never try to...?

This puppy is an orphan, his mother was killed by a fallen wooden box, together with 2 other puppy brothers in the furniture factory where Brother is working now.

Mother was worried, she helped to put puppy into the car, and reminded me of some routine puppy care procedures.

I named the puppy Thoven, not just to commemorate the character Thoven and Maestro Jiang, but also as a toast to the spirit and the will inspired by Beethoven Virus.

Cheers Thoven, welcome to this world, I hope you would be happy with me.