Saturday, September 5, 2009

life is about making choices?

Once, someone has told me “destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved”.

And more then once, as written somewhere, life is about making choices.

Initially, I agree very much with these saying and have been trying to relate every single decision in the past with the present life that I have instinctively shaped: yes, my life is the result of many little decisions I have made through out the past years.

I believe this modus operandi is not just applied to me, but to many as well in cruising though our course of life. 

And maybe same as the many others, I have been taking life for granted, believing that “I am the captain of my life, I decide my destiny, and I am responsible to myself for whatever consequences I may need to deal with as the result of my act. Should there be any misery or disappointments, it was due to my failure in making the right choice at the right time”.

Other then own personal experience, I observed this inclination among people around me, many are closest to me.

However, thank God, I was given a chance to alter that preconception and repent how much I have been taking life for granted, particularly with regards to liberty in making decisions and sovereignty of life.

Recently I was introduced to a new friend whom was more of a shock then a surprise to me.  Physically a grown up adult, but he is still behaving and thinking like a kid.  Everything of his life is taken care of by the parents.  From young school life up to adult working life today, every details of his daily life, is arranged by others.  In other words, his life is the result of many decisions by others.

Should he be thinking as most of us, it must not be easy for him to carry on life in such way.  Who would want a life arranged by others?  How is a life in such way?!  Is there still any "life"?

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