Monday, September 28, 2009

Yoko Farming

Every decade is defined by its engineering breakthroughs. Mechanized agriculture has enhanced productivity for many decades in the past centuries. In the recent years, sustainable agriculture and organic farming has been the alternative, subsequent to a backlash against the external environmental effects of mechanized agriculture.

In par with the concept of sustainable agriculture, Yoko Farming is the resolution for the future.

I have heard of Yoko Farming almost as long as I know about the Mahikari Organisation. However, I have never given much thought about the activities or any matters related to it. I have thus never participated in any of the Yoko Farm activities organized officially. Often, I wonder why of all the trades, the Mahikari Organisation is emphasizing on agriculture activities.

The best way to understand is to participate. In order to have a better understanding of Yoko Farming, I decided to take part in the annual Yoko Farm Training. My initial intention was just to be a passive participant, because I thought I had enough on the practical sides of farming, and farming is never something too new to me; I was brought up in a farmyard.

All these while I have been associating Yoko Farming to organic farming; something sound very technical and mechanical. This is also one of the reasons I was not trilled about Yoko Farming. However, the introductory speech given by The Yoko Farm Chief has proven me wrong. There are much more perspectives to consider beyond just physical aspects or technical exercises. The essence of Yoko Farming lays on associating spiritual aspect in farming practice.

After the training, I did some reading on the history of agriculture and was amazed by what I read, and about the trade that I have been over looked all these while.

According to my findings, agriculture is the earliest trade on earth:

i. The history of agriculture is in par with human history.

ii. It is the root and the beginning of all trades.

iii. Agriculture success is the basic indicator of nation wealth and societies well being.

The justification is very simple:

“When farmers became capable of producing food beyond the needs of their own families, others in their society were freed to devote themselves to projects other than food acquisition.

There is also a statement like this:

“Historians and anthropologists have long argued that the development of agriculture made civilization possible.”

Isn’t this statement implies that the rise and fall of a civilization is determined by the advancement of agriculture activities?

Generally, conventional organic farming is part of the effort under sustainable agriculture and aims at three main goals:

i. Environmental stewardship

ii. Farm profitability

iii. Prosperous farming communities

On the other hand, Yoko Farming emphasizes on producing produce of the highest spiritual energy, in order to cultivate the growth of quality people. The practice integrates these three important aspects:

i. God Centered: awaken to God’s supremacy

ii. Nature Interaction: work harmony with nature

iii. Soil sustainability: revive soil to its original state

It is the noble intention of producing clean and pure foods that Yoko Farming is striving for, as part of the effort to promote spiritual reformation of the world. Therefore, Yoko Farming is far beyond just organic movement. It is about building a spiritual civilization.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Human Friendly Mosquito Control

When Lynn first introduced me to MozTrap, I was a little amazed, though was not interested as I did not think I would need it. However, somehow my conscience told me maybe someone would need it critically, especially family with children.

Lynn didn't seem to have any 1st hand information about the device. Obviously she had not study the device herself.   Out of curiosity and for the sake of own personal knowledge, we agreed to get one from her.  I would like to carry out my own observation to this device, before I could recommend it to others.

We are living in a very damp and humid country, mosquitoes related deceases such as dengue and malaria have always been a treat to our common health.  The government has been constantly warning the rakyat via various medias to eliminate all possible breeding sites. 

As the most civic minded and obedient citizen you could be, and you maybe successfully getting yourself  a "clean" and "clear" compound. However, this does not guarantee your life is free of any of the biting pests, because mosquitoes born in other areas will still fry to your place.

In the dengue prone areas, the health ministry is conducting mosquito spraying from time to time. Some private residential estates are also having own pest control program in order to cope with mosquito borne health problems.

The most common method of mosquito handling is the spraying of pyrethrin fog for indoor use and either thermal foggers or cold foggers for outdoor use.  Nevertheless, fogging normally comes with undesirable odors and residuals even after the fog has dissipated. Anyone with respiratory problem would find fogging a nuisance.

The name MozTrap implies its intended function---a device designed to trap mosquitoes, and kill them subsequently.  It is so far the "cleanest" mosquito killing device I know, as it utilizes small amount of carbon dioxide, heat and moisture released from photo-catalyst reaction besides hydrogen radicals (-OH) produced from irradiation of UV rays on TiO2 (titanium dioxide) plate and lining, as the magnet to lure mosquitoes---a photo-catalyst mosquito killer. Mosquitoes are sucked and caught into the net by strong swirled wind and dehydrated to die.

Besides serving its main purpose, this photo-catalyst mosquito trap also purifies air, kills harmful air borne bacteria and a has a unique deodorant effect.

There are few version of photo catalyst mosquitoes trap in the market.  The one introduced by Lynn was "doubled attractive" as it is "reinforced" with an attaching attractant, some sort of octenol. However, my experiment so far proven that MozTrap works without the bait. It was my intention to avoid dependency of the attaching attractant, as I believe no one likes long term consumables.

These are pictures of the trapped mosquitoes (all dehydrated to die) that I have collected on 2 different days, for the period of 3 hours, 6pm to 9pm.  The 1st picture shows collection on a windy and dry evening.  The 2nd picture shows collection on a still and humid evening.  The quantity of mosquitoes collected varies accordingly. 

Monday, September 7, 2009





其實在這世上,像小妹妹那樣的還有很多。我的老板娘更夸張,敢敢覺的孩子是略奪父母私人空間的侵犯者。好奇怪的人纇。到底也是合群的動物,為什麼在爭取了屬於自己的 “族群“ 后,卻想抽離群眾?

為人父母的,可知道是為了什麼建立自己的家庭呢?只是為了 “人有我也有“ 嗎? 有了家庭卻不認為建設家庭和培育孩子是一種必然享受的幸福過程,那又何必當初呢?



Saturday, September 5, 2009

life is about making choices?

Once, someone has told me “destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved”.

And more then once, as written somewhere, life is about making choices.

Initially, I agree very much with these saying and have been trying to relate every single decision in the past with the present life that I have instinctively shaped: yes, my life is the result of many little decisions I have made through out the past years.

I believe this modus operandi is not just applied to me, but to many as well in cruising though our course of life. 

And maybe same as the many others, I have been taking life for granted, believing that “I am the captain of my life, I decide my destiny, and I am responsible to myself for whatever consequences I may need to deal with as the result of my act. Should there be any misery or disappointments, it was due to my failure in making the right choice at the right time”.

Other then own personal experience, I observed this inclination among people around me, many are closest to me.

However, thank God, I was given a chance to alter that preconception and repent how much I have been taking life for granted, particularly with regards to liberty in making decisions and sovereignty of life.

Recently I was introduced to a new friend whom was more of a shock then a surprise to me.  Physically a grown up adult, but he is still behaving and thinking like a kid.  Everything of his life is taken care of by the parents.  From young school life up to adult working life today, every details of his daily life, is arranged by others.  In other words, his life is the result of many decisions by others.

Should he be thinking as most of us, it must not be easy for him to carry on life in such way.  Who would want a life arranged by others?  How is a life in such way?!  Is there still any "life"?